woopty fucking doo, someone does something you like and you cry about it, take the millisecond out of your life and press 2
No need to be jerk in your tone.
If someone keeps yelling in the public space yell, "DO THE COMMANDER SHAKE !" and everytime someone new tells him to stop, its kinda the same deal.
Then someone begins to be annoyed to hell and talk rude and yell stfu you ranged scum.
The person who then yelled in the first place begins to tk' the person who he pissed off.
Then the person getting killed sends a public mail to the police "I am being manslaugtered", and the person killing acts all immature about it saying he had a reason to it and that reason is purely his own fault.
I then stroll around the mails and see hey i remember this, oh yea i remember it was quite irretating that it had to pop up in my face because he has to act like a 12 year old, seeking attention, having his name popped up in everyone's face...
I then confirm this and this random person comes by and say "Hey idiot you have no right to be annoyed" and i am like "wtf mate".
So TL;DR Get out Gandalf and protect your hobbits instead of trolls.