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Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.
Whoever owns Dhirim usually becomes so scared of losing the stronkest city that they just camp and go afk. The city is CURSED!!!
If you nerf Dhirim u better nerf alot of other maps also! Cant just do it for 1 map that has been around for 6 strats.
Would a tower work? Anyone ever set up a couple catapults and fire directly into the doorway? I've only fought in it once, so I have no clue.
I dont think anyone's tried. Its a pretty narrow area in that spot plus catas are fucked when they break so that would bug the area itself right outside the keep. Its a interesting idea though. A tower does not though. People have tried with ladders and invisible walls everywhere.