95% of men are like this to some extent. In the business we call them "beta orbiters." Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks. Men have been raised to treat women like delicate flowers and as if they're princesses -- but women don't want a bitch as their man, they want someone confident and who doesn't need them, not a needy, clingy beta. Media has brainwashed men into believing women like some thoughtful and compassionate "man with feelings" who showers them in gifts, but nope. There's a reason "nice guys finish last" is a meme and girls everywhere keep saying "gosh, why do I always keep falling for the bad boys?" Also the reason why most guys are so bad in bed: they're too considerate and nice. Women want to be dominated, both in and out of bed. Which is why so many women say they stayed with an abusive boyfriend because he was SOOOO great in bed.