Ranged players disgust me.
Now you know how your mother felt when you spawned out of her.
You vile dejected piece of filth....
With all due respect. :p
hehe kidding,
Yeah I dunno about nerfin ranged ppl, personally I've never really had an issue with Ranged, makes for some hot knife in butter situations alot of times.
I'm only above average for melee at best...
I cant help but agree with Jona and alot of other people about employing some of that brain power; no matter what Map or how many people are on, the team that will win is sometimes pretty evident at the beginning of the round by virtue of how many lemmings charge directly at the enemy force.
Would it really kill you guys to try and work as a team, wait a little bit and use an inkling of brains.
(If im in the top scores, you know the people playing are just bein downright tarded) Dont charge at a group of archers, use enemies as cover, protect your own archers...
It all boils down to one thing.... stop bein fuckin LEMMINGS