Author Topic: 2h / thrower weapon points and respecing main character for Strategus  (Read 833 times)

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I've just started playing again recently and have a few questions:

1. My main character (strat character) is level 36 and doesn't have any points allocated yet. Is it now possible for me to respec this character on a regular basis without losing level or would I have to switch my alt characters if I wanted to go archer or 1h in strat battles?

2. I'm thinking about putting 1 or 2 points in power throw on my 2hander main. What's the formula for how much armor weight reduces my weapon points? I think you used to have to have at least 13 weapon points per level of power throw to use higher difficulty throwing weapons but don't know if it's different now or even matters. Also the pop-up over iron flesh says that it reduces the negative effect armor has on weapon points, how much per level?

My gear weight would be:

great helm 3.2
mongolian elite armor 20.7
scale gauntlets 1.1
rus splinted greaves 2.6

total = 27.6

The two build options I'm considering, one with 1 power throw and the other with 2 pt.

Option 1:


One Handed:25
Two Handed:158

Weapon Master:7
Iron Flesh:7
Power Strike:7
Power Throw:2

Option 2:


One Handed:25
Two Handed:156

Weapon Master:6
Iron Flesh:7
Power Strike:7
Power Throw:1

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Re: 2h / thrower weapon points and respecing main character for Strategus
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2016, 08:13:22 pm »
You have no free respec option for your strat hero. All your alts on the other hand can be respeced without any penalty every 7 days.
So if you want to respec your main you have to make one of your alts your hereo. this takes one week. than you can respec your main and switch him back as your hero. this will take an other week again.
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