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Puck-headed maple-sucking moosefucker
op video is so staged.
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
fake as fuck
Well I roleplayed gay for long time to get Asca attention as harmless one but it didnt help. I only attracted Tueten, Cicero and Grey Order...
Fuck off it is real what would you know of muslims.
Pretty sure I detected and called in a Fake Bomb Scare attempt walking up the avenue and seeing some big vcr box ripped open with the chipboards arranged all intimidatingly propped against the curb facing out the street (a few weeks after a local marathon that got some local guy arrested for calling in fake bomb threats going "THEY MADE ME DO IT! THEY MADE ME!~!!" whos in jail now lmao, I just explained cooly "this is not a prank.. I mean no harm.. I just see something suspicious.. ironically walking back from my psychiatrist.. and growing up around NYC after 9/11 they always said "If U SEe Somethign.. Say Somethign.. Peace Be With U.. here's all my info sure w/e lol" to the cops.Hour later eating a burrito I see some Black Chopper descending in a field on the side of town I just came from and thought "lol." I also tried telling somebody about this and they said "NONE OF THAT WAS REAL" and I just thought "turn off Colbert bitch lmao