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Talk in UIF TS:Archer_KMC: It would be funny if they cancel the fightNoobSaibot: this will not happen, they are not so stupidhttp://c-rpg.net/?page=strategusbattlesarchive#!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=341
We're working on something cooler than a blog.
I hope you die IRL. What kind of fucking build is that?!
My scouts are reporting, that a heavily armed army of the Guardians of the North is pursuing my caravan, since we left the Forest of Fenada. I highly advice you not to undertake anything hostile against us or you may regret it. Reveal your intensions or immediately abandon all actions towards my caravan!
You spelled intentions wrong you ignorant EU. In the future, the little red squiggly line under words that your EU brain thinks are spelled correctly in fact aren't.