I have been back into my piss rhythm for the past few days, which makes me need to pee after like 6 hours of sleep. The timing of awaking naturally because I have to pee is usually spot on with a light sleep phase, so I wake up breezy and awake and ready to roll for 17-18 hours. At least that is what I have theorized to explain waking up so nicely each day.
Before that I was fucked up for a few weeks. I had real trouble getting out of bed or even waking up. I would often fall asleep pretty much directly after turning off alarms, until I had 4 of them that got progressively more obtrusive. I felt like I could sleep 10-12 hours every night, because in the morning I would always feel like I just ran a marathon and sleep was the most amazing thing ever. Felt pretty amazing if I had time for it, but it wasted way too much time.
Anyone has any experience with trying to set alarms like 1,5-2 hours before you have to get up, so that you restart your sleep phase and sync up light sleep with having to get up? I have done this for a year now, but the "feeling dead tired" phase convinced me that it probably does not really work and I dropped it. Perhaps I am just getting the numbers wrong.