Author Topic: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD  (Read 72769 times)

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« Reply #300 on: June 11, 2016, 02:55:34 am »
unban me pls
insert coin to continue :mrgreen: :D poor bastard :)

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« Reply #301 on: June 11, 2016, 02:58:38 am »
Quick question, why am I able to lock and unlock this thread?

Edit: I just realised how much of a fucking idiot I am. I made the fucking thread.

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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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« Reply #302 on: June 11, 2016, 09:36:07 am »
shut up and cum play Minecraft

best advice you can find on this forum

Offline Blackbow

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« Reply #303 on: June 11, 2016, 04:57:33 pm »
So, yeah.. Blackbow just suddenly kicks me without any warning, when I was about to move.
When I rejoined, I asked him why he didn't give me a warning. He didn't give me an answer, he just ignored it.

dude you were last of team camping on a "unreachable "roof...
i guess i should have let you keep camping this roof and delaying because Fin was doing the same but it's Fin so it's ok

Yeah, not really hm? From what I see we only got one thread here with massive complaints about an admin.

you are missing an other one, a guy who is allowed to do anything, camping roof, ban ppl when drunk, who got many complain too... but i was probably the only one telling him to stop bullshit...

i remember myself asking an admin if admins dont speak to each others when one is crossing lines ... his answer was like admins dont deal with other's business

I also remember an admin who was elected to look after problem cose by a group of people, i dont think he did anything or atleast tried...

I have also been the victim of blackbow's poor admining a couple of times. First of which I believe happened in the very beginning of his admin career. As I know, he hates me which is why he felt the need to "show off" that he's an admin now and he's superior by kicking me out of the server for "brocoding" because I didn't attack some random dude in the middle of a damn round when pretty much everyone were still alive. Well, I'm sure he is able to control his power-fantasies nowadays and understands that you don't always have to attack the first enemy you see.

The second incident happened in EU1 when blackbow was playing with his clanmate. I was casually minding my own businness trying to kill the enemies when I suddenly get teamhit 3 times by his teammate. I managed to report 2 of these hits and immediately notified pimp in the global chat. I got no apologies from his teammate and surprise surprise, pimp does nothing. Only after telling him in the admin chat what had happened, he gently asked his teammate were these hits intentional to which his teammate answered nothing and that's it. Anyways I completely understand this because I wouldn't kick my teammates out of the server for a couple of intentional teamhits but hey, that's why I'm not a fucking admin.

what a fucking selective memory you have lol that's pathetic.

no i dont like you that's true like many of us btw, probably because macros or glitch abusing...
anyway i remember also dealing with some people who were harassing you...
i saw them team hit you and do some other stuff they imediatly got warned and kicked, because i dont do difference when someone is breaking rules... and you were breaking rules after 6 years you should know them...

Blackbow, you never answered:
is it still your professional opinion as an admin that revenge teamkill is justified if someone punches your horse after you have dismounted? If so, please explain why

In your answer please be sure to consider how resigning your adminship would at least reserve a small amount of dignity, whilst having it taken from you would not.

i honestly dont get why you talk about revenge teamkill, if we talk about the same case, you were camping with few krems and started to team hit my horse when i was telling you to go fight and got kicked.

i dont remember any revenge teamkill.

So if you are a trial admin, even if you kick someone because you got into an argument that had nothing to do with cRPG or breaking the rules, you're still trusted to the responsibility of unbiased and sensible decisions?

To be honest, you could easily find new candidates if you check the current most active players.

I'd personally like to nominate Confused_Dwarf.  :lol:

i dont even know where to start with you...

so u got unbaned from your perma ban
2 days after it was the mess on server between you and rip...
i went to spectator to see wich one of you were posing problems
and i saw you at round start throwing a stone to rip's head and you got banned two days.

then 2 days after you came back we started to have some "disscussion" together you went full retard i decided to kick you from the clan and have waited for the first reason i could find to kick you from server and to make refresh your banner
i honestly dont remember what u did but for sure i have waited for a mistake from you... didnt took very long...

then one day after i think once again many people was complaining about you, i started to watch you in spec and i saw you and rip passing in a small street and you stabed him for no reason ... you got kicked
i probably should have banned you once again but i did kick because i was going for permaban ...

(click to show/hide)

Does it mean that I'm fired?

nah you can stay! let's keep syrian lannister for the pleb, having you fully dedicated to heskeywastingtime dont sound too much.

for those who think i will not answer or anything no worrie i just dont have much time and will deal with the rest later
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 05:38:18 pm by Blackbow »
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« Reply #304 on: June 11, 2016, 05:16:41 pm »
double post

edit : tip for when you get caught to watch boobz
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« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 05:54:49 pm by Blackbow »
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« Reply #305 on: June 11, 2016, 06:18:31 pm »

what a fucking selective memory you have lol that's pathetic.

no i dont like you that's true like many of us btw, probably because macros or glitch abusing...
anyway i remember also dealing with some people who were harassing you...
i saw them team hit you and do some other stuff they imediatly got warned and kicked, because i dont do difference when someone is breaking rules... and you were breaking rules after 6 years you should know them...

Yeah, I have a selective memory like you're being selective about when to admin and when to just ignore the situations you should handle.
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« Reply #306 on: June 11, 2016, 07:11:23 pm »
Being an admin is a serious shit in a game which struggles to get 20 players at prime time.
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« Reply #307 on: June 11, 2016, 09:03:42 pm »
Lost case, he just does not want to spare a single second to think about his behavior.

A "talk" clearly led to no avail. But I guess you did your job Uther, so you can lean back and sit this out.
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Offline Gurgumul

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« Reply #308 on: June 11, 2016, 09:12:16 pm »
Today Mister Blackdick kindly asked the server whether they'd like a map change. Some people answered, most didn't have the time to (server's population was at least 30 at the time), and BB changed the map after a few seconds. The new map was - unsurprisingly - arena. I don't really care about insults and such, but if you want to make a map poll, at least do it properly instead of typing MAP CHANGE? in admin chat, and changing it to the map of your choice before people even get a chance to answer.

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« Reply #309 on: June 11, 2016, 10:56:28 pm »
Holy shit, this is a long thread.

Half of it off topic tho, but oh well.

I'm just here to say I actually like BB as admin - just like I liked Thomex.

No bullcrap. If people delay, dont help the team, brocode or the like.
BB and Thomex would tell you straight away. Mby sometimes a kick before a warning - but its not so hard to join again right away..
BB talks/warns A LOT more than Thomex would - or I would if I ever held the referee's whistle.

I got no probs with krems or anyone else - but when someone - whoever it is - CONSTANTLY disturbs gameplay
I surely would hope an admin was on, that actually took care of the situation.

In my view - it is a game - so some fucking around is to be expected - but without any admin(that actually does the admin job)
the battles sometimes is more focused on killing mates on the same team - or running around hiding with the enemy..
Cause thats SO fun after 10 rounds in a row...

Other than that - ARENA PLEASE!

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« Reply #310 on: June 11, 2016, 11:28:06 pm »

I'm just here to say I actually like BB as admin - just like I liked Thomex.

same here!
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« Reply #311 on: June 12, 2016, 12:05:01 am »
I like thomek, but he was just mean to everyone, so there wasnt much bias in his decisions. At least from what ive seen him do.
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« Reply #312 on: June 12, 2016, 01:49:36 am »
Today Mister Blackdick kindly asked the server whether they'd like a map change. Some people answered, most didn't have the time to (server's population was at least 30 at the time), and BB changed the map after a few seconds. The new map was - unsurprisingly - arena. I don't really care about insults and such, but if you want to make a map poll, at least do it properly instead of typing MAP CHANGE? in admin chat, and changing it to the map of your choice before people even get a chance to answer.

That's Thomek move. Fin later copied it. BB learned from the best :mrgreen:

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« Reply #313 on: June 12, 2016, 01:20:46 pm »
I usually tell the server to kick me for a specific map.
If the kick result is above 50% --> map change at the end of the round/map.
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« Reply #314 on: June 12, 2016, 03:03:15 pm »
I always liked Thomek as an admin as well. Only reason he got so much hate is cos he didn't take any shit from the trolls. IMO if he was still an admin we'd have more players.