Author Topic: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD  (Read 78378 times)

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Offline Uther Pendragon

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« Reply #195 on: June 02, 2016, 10:41:22 pm »
Right so I actually bothered to look into the logs:

[18:04:53] kill,Vanguard_Kansuke,Merc_BlackbowThePimp,melee,Masterwork Svaerdstav,hb_upperarm_l
[18:04:58] kill,Druzhina_100km,Kalmarunionen_Telford_X,melee,Masterwork Paramerion,hb_head
[18:04:59] kill,Crazed_Hobo,Syrio_Forel,melee,Masterwork Paramerion,hb_forearm_l
[18:04:59] chat,,Merc_BlackbowThePimp,team,t vraiment la pire des tarlouze

After that you exchanged some silly messages, last message Kansuke wrote was this:

[18:08:09] chat,,Vanguard_Kansuke,all,vas y agrave ton cas rofl

Little more than 2 minutes later:

[18:10:25] msg,Merc_BlackbowThePimp kicked player Vanguard_Kansuke. 
[18:10:26] disconnect,Vanguard_Kansuke
[18:10:48] chat,,Merc_BlackbowThePimp,team,he was waiting for that during all round lol

Then, Kansuke rejoined a long time later

[18:24:43] connect,Vanguard_Kansuke,,regular,82,Vanguard_Kansuke

So after seeing the logs, it's not clear if it was some power trip due to the argument or really a leecher issue, 2 minutes doesn't seem a long time to me but I wasn't there and I didn't see the situation, from the screen Blackbow posted in the ban thread it did look like he was sitting in spawn with chat opened, holding an attack.

Kansuke said that during the kick he was writing a complaint on Blackbow in the feedback thread, which he posted between the kick and the rejoin to the server, so it kinda fits in the timeframe.

To be fair this is a petty thing, aside from the controversial kick which LOOKS but doesn't HAVE TO be a proof for admin abuse, the one complaint Kansuke cared for is the insulting, continued both in-game and on forums. While I can understand the in-game part (hell you all know how I act when I play :lol:), sperging out on forums is another thing, you have time to calm down here and react properly to accusations, false and true, and don't need to give your enemies more fuel to their fire. In-game you can mute eachother and be done with it, on forums pls some constraint, se maƮtriser))
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:59:39 pm by Uther Pendragon »
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« Reply #196 on: June 02, 2016, 10:43:47 pm »
Dude firstly Molly is she.I have checked it ,the word collabo means something like traitor which is not something hardcore,i can show u some hardcore cussing if you want.

But i understand you kansuke and i think u are honorable,you probably came from a good family,brought up nicely in nice neighborhood.Get use to these stuff,u will see such cussings and more of them in your life.
I think u must know,he used that word to you because he wanted it,not because he analyzed the analitical data,scrutunized it and let scientist check it before hand to tell u what u are.You must scare more of the things that are not said,for example Heskey is atm using you and your argument to take blackpimp's chair in c-rpg parliament.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:47:29 pm by Yuhmaz »

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« Reply #197 on: June 02, 2016, 10:51:28 pm »
After that you exchanged some silly insults, last message Kansuke wrote was this:

Actually that part isn't right, I don't remember insulting him a single time: here's what I said (was in french)

1st sentence I told him that's not how an admin should act

2nd sentence I said : come one make your case worse rolf ("vas y agrave ton cas" in the screenshot)

And about the leeching thing, really ? leeching in crpg these days where everyone is lvl 37, has full MW set and armory clan access full of items, what would even be the purpose of it ?

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« Reply #198 on: June 02, 2016, 10:57:18 pm »
And about the leeching thing, really ? leeching in crpg these days where everyone is lvl 37, has full MW set and armory clan access full of items, what would even be the purpose of it ?

No leeching
NOT OK: Standing around away from keyboard. If you're away, switch to spectator mode

If those game rules were valid uther would have to ban every admin one by one starting from pooptoss(as nick implies).
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« Reply #199 on: June 02, 2016, 10:59:24 pm »
Actually that part isn't right, I don't remember insulting him a single time: here's what I said (was in french)

1st sentence I told him that's not how an admin should act

2nd sentence I said : come one make your case worse rolf ("vas y agrave ton cas" in the screenshot)

And about the leeching thing, really ? leeching in crpg these days where everyone is lvl 37, has full MW set and armory clan access full of items, what would even be the purpose of it ?

Well, exchanged messages* then. You said something along the lines of "you're only making your situation worse" or something :)

And leeching doesn't have to help YOU, but it messes with the team balance, and that is still bad. Maybe you're level 37, but you're a level 37 away from keyboard, doing nothing and in turn making the teams go from 15-15 to 14-15, for example :D
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« Reply #200 on: June 02, 2016, 11:19:39 pm »
As I said I wasn't paying attention to the game at that time as I was writing on the forum, he could have waited for an enemy to kill me but choose to kick me instead few minutes after I critized his admining but whatever again this is not the main complain I have.

There's swearing on the server which everyone does then there is harrassing other players by insulting them constently, something he does on a regular basis (krems, russian players, vanguards, some people he dislikes...) and this is pretty bad thing for an admin to do (if you go farther into the logs you'll see what I mean).

And then there's insulting someone's familly over a video-game argument, breaking this rule: Stick to game context, don't post any real life related stuff about other community members.
Try telling someone his familly participated in the collaboration in France, at best you'll get punched in the face, at worst you'll end up in court.

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« Reply #201 on: June 02, 2016, 11:24:22 pm »
Making Uther an admin (and later on: a head admin) was a one thing, but blackbow with admin powers? That's a whole new level of retardation  :wink:
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« Reply #202 on: June 02, 2016, 11:33:49 pm »
I agree, bringing up real life information is basically asking for a very harsh punishment, but he's not bringing up real information, to play the devils' advocate, he's just insulting you by aiming for your family, which is a nasty thing to do, but he's just spouting bullshit. That doesn't mean he is justified in saying it. So consider this a warning of sorts Bbow;

Constant harassment is definitely not ok, and I ask you Blackbow to se maƮtriser, or at least ask other admins, if present on server, to control you, just like they sometimes control me, with mutes or in-admin chat reminders :)

Making Uther an admin (and later on: a head admin) was a one thing, but blackbow with admin powers? That's a whole new level of retardation  :wink:

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Offline Kansuke

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« Reply #203 on: June 02, 2016, 11:54:28 pm »
Now I wonder, what would have happened if I was the one saying all the things he said to me. Knowing how much cool-headed he is, I would probably be permabanned by now and everyone would find it normal. Seems like there is some kind of double standard going on.

Aslo you are playing with the words here, the rule says "don't post any real life related stuff" not information, so what he said definitly qualifies for it.

What's funny is that on any other web community I know, this guy would not only have his right removed from him but also be excluded from the community for the things he said about my family. When did Crpg forums became a 4chan annex, I was not aware we were allowed to say everything about everyone on this forum.

Plus you have Killmax  backing you, you can sleep peacefully I guess...

Offline Uther Pendragon

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« Reply #204 on: June 03, 2016, 12:09:06 am »
If it was me, I'd at best mute you, and you can do the same to Bbow if he annoys you. Personally I'd want people to grow some thicker skin to insults on the internet, but I perfectly understand the wish to have such harassment limited, which is why I ask other admins to mute him if he gets too rude. And even if they aren't present, you can just mute him yourself, which also solves the problem. You'll just have to fight the curiosity to unmute him to see if he writes anything, because I know such curiosity exists. :D

Stick to game context, don't post any real life related stuff about other community members.

What do you understand by "stuff" then? It's not everything, otherwise they'd just write "don't post anything real-life related.", so at least for me this rule is about posting actual real life information that could either be used to harass or to stalk someone from the community, none of which has bbow done. Yes, he insulted you and your family in a dumb way, and he definitely shouldn't have done that. Which is why he is warned, that this behaviour is not ok.

To Blackbow - If you want to shittalk, you should find yourself someone who can take the insults and give back, otherwise it turns into bullying and harassing, and where is fun in that?
Nemo prudens punit, quia peccatum est, sed ne peccetur.
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Offline Kansuke

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« Reply #205 on: June 03, 2016, 12:29:58 am »
I feel some kind of biais here as you seems willing to forgive him everything. Let me ask you a question, how many warnings does it take for an admin to get his rights removed ? Because as everyone can see in this thread and as Heskeytime revealed this is clearly not the first time he fucked up as an admin. How many warnings Nightingale (a much better admin than blackbow imo) received ?

By keeping him in your team you kind of engage your own responsability despiste all the previous comments players and admins alike wrote about blackbow.

This will be my last intervention here as I feel i've said everything, I'll leave other people be judge of all this which they did already.

tl dr : Blackbow (an admin) harassed other players by insulting them on a regular basis,
insulted a member's familly after he dared put into question his behaviour on a feedback (!) thread and got away with a simple warning.

And btw that last sentence was really unecessary Uther...


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« Reply #206 on: June 03, 2016, 01:41:00 am »

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« Reply #207 on: June 03, 2016, 01:55:47 am »
A surprising number of people in addition to myself seem less than happy when it comes to you being an admin, I wonder why.

that's funny because it's the same peoples who are posing trouble ingame...
and the rest of ppl who are happy of my job is the silent majority who dont waste his time at stalking on forum.

there is few players who was close to be permabanned, they were very toxic and trollish
they got few warnings then got banned for a very long period
i proposed them a deal "i remove the ban if you promess me to stay cool ingame, but if you dont the sanction will be biger."
they all accepted the deal and i got very good results with those people.

but they never came here to say i did my job well because its in human nature to only complain.
only haters come here and i understand it because the class i play and they way i spit the truth to their face.

i see nothing bad calling a coward a guy who is running away from a fight.
and plz dont mix kiting and fleeing.

To Blackbow - If you want to shittalk, you should find yourself someone who can take the insults and give back, otherwise it turns into bullying and harassing, and where is fun in that?

well he never been in my harassing list it's just his playing style who make me rage sometimes and giving him some cute names...
we have all already insulted a sneaky bastard who is running away from the fight in 1v1 ...
but i got the message no harrassing on weak and fragile people and sry for the job i give you.

can i keep bjord, macro users and green arrows users in my harassing list ?

Now I wonder, what would have happened if I was the one saying all the things he said to me. Knowing how much cool-headed he is, I would probably be permabanned by now and everyone would find it normal. Seems like there is some kind of double standard going on.

nothing would happend, you cant imagine how much insult i got since i play and never did anything and when it was too much i was muting the guy.
ask to xesta.

btw that's remember me than 2 days ago i complimented you about your fights without know it was you. then you insulted me.
it made me laugh nothing else ...
i supose you are lord garithos or something ...

Lie and false accusation lol, are you also going to say that Uther Pendagragon is lying too ?

Or is it the part where I said that you were constantly insulting me and other people on the server which you proved you were very capable of here once again ?

Keep digging...

And btw if I was lying like you say I would have already been banned for it, which I'm not, so I guess there is only 2 options left, either ban me for false accusation or remove your admin right for abusing your admin power, breaking many rules and lying about it.

i never never never never abused of my powers
during my fights i saw you camping spawn you had not this attack position, then i died went to check who was the last guy and you were still at spawn with this attack position without moving from a cm...

you intentionaly tried to trap me and was waiting for me to kick you just to say looklook he's abusing his powers ...
you were the last and afk you got kicked nothing else like all admins did before.

the day i will abuse my powers i will quit by myself.

atm the only mistake i did as admin
was banning a couch lance cavs (darkwartz something he's russian) who did a tk at round start.
to my point of view it was intentional but the guy who got tk went to me and told me it was an accident and the dark guy got unbaned imediatly
i reacted a bit to quick on this one and served me as lesson.

other mistake was when i missunderstood xesta when he was complaining about a guy ... poophammer was present
and i agree i did shit on how i managed this case.

i should maybe count as mistake the moment when ppl team hit me at spawn because i repeat them 10 times to take part to fight and they get kick instead of ban (looking at krems and you heskey)

for the rest I am serene

At the very least Blackbow decided to stop openly criticising Uther and co after Uther became head admin. I suspect big brother merc admin is responsible for that, since Blackbow has neither the foresight nor the control to have done that alone.

wait i want to undestand that one, wich critics on uther you talk about ?
are you not deforming reality ? or i have short memory ?

about others admin i keep critic them about the politic of remove polls to play in peace and dont do admin job.
it was lot of work but i got good result on peoples who were abusing polls.
at the end people was asking me if they can start a poll ... that was cute.

i still think polls should be always open, admins cant see everything and it's in player rights to be able to use them
till they dont abuse of it for the lol or personnal revenge.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 03:23:16 am by Blackbow »
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« Reply #208 on: June 03, 2016, 06:14:01 am »
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Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.

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« Reply #209 on: June 03, 2016, 09:33:31 am »
Blackbow,this is a very grave matter dude,i think u must make video,instead of making so many words.
Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.I think admins must be example players,how can an admin can swear someone as being a sandfriend,this is very strong word in turkish,if you told that to someone in turkey you couldn't get away with it.I am admin on an counter-strike server myself i don't talk to people like that in counter-strike ,admins must behave well in game how can an admin tell so vicious words to c-rpg players.I can not resist to humiliation as big as this,i still feel insulted very much,his nick blackpimp reflects how hateful and atrocious he has no shame, i think you must remove admins as such.