Gotta split the quote for readability...
Sure, so your primary worry is not the people being victimized right now, your people incidentally, but I might just as well say random human being whom you have no particular attachment to, but the potential future innocent victims of lowlife white-trash. There's harmful "views", and your people will suffer from them, but it's all good, because there's also other people benefitting and profitting from your generosity. It's ok, you're not the only one, there's always crying about the fearful expected backlash, just like muslims were going to be hunted down and killed by angry FN after all the french terrorist attacks, only thing Salon types could seem to worry about.
I worry about both, current and future victims. Well, I use the word "worry" loosely here, for sake of consistency more or less.
My mindset is admittedly simple in these matters: Sexual harassing women is shit. Burning down refugee-camps is shit. Beheading people is shit. Beating up someone for their skin color is shit. These examples are not sorted by their grade of "shitness" tho.
Again, I do believe that my country, the State, has all the mechanisms in place to deal with all kind of shit and those mechanisms take even the grade of "shitness" into account. I merely wish they were used more strictly and swiftly. But I don't wanna see anyone punished who did nothing wrong.
I don't personally see how proper border and immigration control, managed by even the most backwards and undevelopped countries, is somehow beyond the reach of european countries, or how it would be a violent, racist act to implement them. To present mass immigration as a fait accompli (for western countries only, of course) is typical, but it's, from my perspective, massively ignorant.
Me neither. Immigration needs to be moderated. I'm "d'accord" with that. But completely shutting down all immigration is not a solution. Neither do I believe that moderation of immigration is something violent or racist.
But moderation with the baseline "No muslims allowed!" would be... (well, I was about to write racist... yea, yea, Islam no race... yadda yadda...) wrong.
There are good folks who honestly only seek refuge from war. They won't cause any harm. Not gonna rape anyone. Maybe even go back when the situation calms down. And I believe that we should help those.
Those who do screw up... well, back to the mechanisms the State already possesses.