Oh Molly, you're trying hard to defend what? It is us Germans being attacked currently, we are having the problems with those "refugees".
Totally depends. bad for me and my family and especially the females there, and my gf.
Some people dont give a fuck though, I'd guess.
Guess I'm always in a bad damn mood every morning she leaves the house when it is dark, and she needs about an hour to use public transport to reach work, and another in the evening as well. Can't say I did ever trust our safety system at all, but now it is even worse. Though it is not much worse than it was half a year ago when the mass invasion of refugees started.
Someone who says everything is alright, is just an idiot.
just another point, for other arabs/northern african people, who immigrated here fifty years ago or were even born and raised here, the whole thing is bad as well. Doubt on first and second sight any of us can see a difference of any of them to the refugees? Certainly not. Keeping distance.