Is it true? The Chinese who can travel abroad are rich. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer!
Chinese I've seen in Vienna are rich, because they ate like ten portions of ribs each portion costing 13 euros. Chinese who came to Serbia 15 years ago were from poor parts of China, they were selling cheap stuff. At first they had improvised cardbox stands, after few months they got proper stands, a year after that they rented store space. Five years after they initially migrated to Serbia, they opened Chinese shopping malls where they employed locals to work for them. Not to mention they already learned how to speak Serbian, better than many people who live in southern parts of Serbia (they speak Serbian just like Scottish speak English language). Recently many of them left Serbia, because local people became so poor, even previously affordable Chinese merchandise became too expansive for average buyer...
What I like the most about Chinese is that you are so wonderfully "racist", or to put in better way you don't give a fuck about western society concept of racism. Very refreshing.
Gweilo out.