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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #240 on: June 16, 2019, 09:08:20 pm »
Fucking lol, calling you retarded and brain dead for beating him, please tell me who this guy is so I can troll him in the future  :D.
He got banned a day after that for cheating, lmao.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #241 on: June 17, 2019, 10:53:45 am »
loool, good shit always love some drama like that, good job on making that shitter rage. What kinda cheats are there anyway for a game like this? Nvm, read the reddit thread, seems like he changed some .ini settings to abuse a glitch

Anyway, still enjoying the game. I thought I would get tired of it sooner (about 30 hours in now), but the combat is very nice, both gameplay and visually wise. My drags are still shit and I still fall for feints/morphs, especially good ones at facehugging range.. the proper ones really make it look like they're swinging when instead it's just a feint, I believe something called body-feinting? That shit confusing and I need to spend more time on duel servers to learn how to defend. The average Frontline player is on the level of a Warband native siege player, so I'm having a lot of fun just removing their heads with a maul getting 60-70 kills per match, but it doesn't really make me a better player :D
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 10:59:17 am by Vibe »

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #242 on: June 17, 2019, 06:59:30 pm »
Yes, body feinting. It's just moving your camera during the feint to make it seem like you're committing to the attack, and sometimes footwork. If someone does a lot of those, calling them with chambers is a good way to counter.

And yeah farming people with maul is so satisfying because of the sound and visual effects. Have you tried the new map? Skirmish on that feels pretty crPG-y, there's a ton of verticality and alternative paths and narrow places where you can funnel people if you're outnumbered.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #243 on: June 17, 2019, 07:03:28 pm »

Like this is a body feint that I do, the streamer calls it with a chamber, and I misjudge the initiative, I thought he started his chamber too late to hit me before I hit him with another attack. Which is sometimes what you can pull off if you do a really quick feint and have a fast weapon.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #244 on: June 17, 2019, 10:39:29 pm »

zzz they need to fix it. too easy to do this shit. dueling is getting boring when you get dominated by a guy with a vac ban lol
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #245 on: June 18, 2019, 12:37:27 am »
He's doing that in a local match, though. Needs to show it in an online game with both perspectives to see if it works. Never come across anyone who I've thought is using Clumsy.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #246 on: June 18, 2019, 08:36:24 am »
You can always just not duel a lag switcher tho, it's not like you're forced

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #247 on: June 18, 2019, 09:59:52 pm »
So Giru was in the Twitch Rivals tournament with a bunch of.... less skilled players. Some pretty hilarious moments.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #248 on: June 19, 2019, 05:59:50 pm »

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #249 on: June 25, 2019, 09:11:41 pm »
So Giru was in the Twitch Rivals tournament with a bunch of.... less skilled players. Some pretty hilarious moments.

this is amazing and hilarious. Really a good sign for the game, that someone can be that dominant by being just better.

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #250 on: June 26, 2019, 07:51:56 am »
this is amazing and hilarious. Really a good sign for the game, that someone can be that dominant by being just better.
Yeah, I thought him trolling like that in the tournament was great. Would've made me interested in the game for sure, exactly because of what you said. It demonstrates the insane skill ceiling.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #251 on: June 27, 2019, 11:30:17 pm »

This game has some of the saltiest top players I've ever come across, it's pretty hilarious. This Bruno guy is one of the best duelists EU, might even be the best given how easily he's beat some top 10s, but like the earlier guy, no self-awareness. They just don't like ever dying or getting hit by someone with far less playtime, so they make weird excuses. Like in the first duel, he chambers twice (not including stabs, which aren't readable and have to be chambered 90-95% of the time) and I chamber zero times, and then wonders about why he got out-stammed. Of course he doesn't call himself a "chamber bot", but when I chamber once or twice, I'm a chamber bot. And then somehow even the hard reads I do turn into chambers in his mind, and whenever I get hit it's because I can't read, but whenever he gets hit (and he got hit plenty even in most duels I lost), he stays quiet. Then he goes full chamber bot mode himself to prove how easy it is, and then gets outstammed and dies because of it. What's his analysis? "I honestly don't like this game at all." Why? Because of the chambers he's been whining about the entire stream, and then he does them himself a lot and loses because of it, so how's that make sense? Same thing when he makes the "hope he gets cancer, that right there is why I don't like the game" comment -- he tried to make a point about how easy it is to win by chambering a lot, dies because of it, gets upset. Also note how he gets progressively saltier, and when he dies it's because of a shit server or just "...yeah..."

I genuinely think it's funny though, it's just a bit disappointing, because I always check the stream afterwards when I play the best players to see if they make any good points or have some thoughts or analysis either about what I'm doing or what they're doing, and it's always just biased whining that has nothing to do with what happened, so there's no takeaway there. Someone who chambers just as many times saying I chamber too much, which is what both of these guys did, is obviously useless as feedback.

Compare to Warband, where although I didn't check people's streams, but whenever I fought top-tier Native duelists competitively they were the opposite of mad. It's a completely different mentality in Mordhau, probably stemming from when all these guys played Chivalry.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 11:45:41 pm by Xant »
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #252 on: June 28, 2019, 09:00:12 am »
Yeah, seems like Mordhau community is much more close to how it is in other competitive games, in one word: cancer

This attitude usually gets worse the higher skilled player is. You'd think people don't know how to behave or be humble only in low ELOs, hell no, the higher skilled players are toxic as fuck. It's never their fault, always gotta blame something else even though their knowledge of the game is sufficient to determine what the cause of the lose was. It gets even worse if it's a team based game, where it's much easier to put the blame on your teammates. That's just the reality of most competitive games, I've seen it many times and I can count humble high skilled players on my hands. I'm not sure how Native had a better community, guess it was smaller and you couldn't just be a cunt without everyone knowing it.

Being beaten by someone with lower hours played always comes with salt though and I love that. That's why I like new games, it's easy to dominate because people in general seem to be shit at games until they have invested literally thousands of hours into them. So for a few weeks/months it's nice but then the no-lifers catch up :D

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #253 on: June 28, 2019, 12:42:32 pm »
That' easy to explain: Warbands community is just way older and thus more mature than Mordhau.

Mount and Blade never got popular around kiddos and the game just looked boring for youngsters. Before MaB I played CodMW2 and, considering the people, switching from that game to Warband was like heaven, from extreme toxicity to halfway welcoming people (who also at least were creative when it came to swearing)

Being beaten by someone with lower hours played always comes with salt though and I love that. That's why I like new games, it's easy to dominate because people in general seem to be shit at games until they have invested literally thousands of hours into them. So for a few weeks/months it's nice but then the no-lifers catch up :D
This is exactly why its good to buy competitive multiplayer games at launch. F.e. for me the first few months titanfall 2 were an absolute blast, everybody was on a halfway similar skilllevel, so every game was super enjoyable. Once the game got a bit older, the no-lifers took overhand and scared away new players

always interesting to read about how crpgers are doing in Mordhau
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #254 on: June 28, 2019, 05:06:58 pm »
That's why I like new games, it's easy to dominate because people in general seem to be shit at games until they have invested literally thousands of hours into them. So for a few weeks/months it's nice but then the no-lifers catch up :D

This is exactly why its good to buy competitive multiplayer games at launch. F.e. for me the first few months titanfall 2 were an absolute blast, everybody was on a halfway similar skilllevel, so every game was super enjoyable. Once the game got a bit older, the no-lifers took overhand and scared away new players

Mordhau's like the ultimate opposite of this, which is kind of why I like it. Chivalry competitive players are some of the sweatiest people there are, with tons of them having 3000-7000 hours in Chiv competitive, and that translates almost directly to Mordhau. And then there's the fact that almost all the best Chivalry players backed Mordhau kickstarter, since it was made by competitive Chiv players, i.e., their friends, so they played Mordhau for two years before it came out, so 1000-2000 hours of Mordhau on top of that for a lot of them.

So, there's a lot of challenge in trying to be competitive with people who have an insane advantage in experience and hours played, and it's very satisfying when you do manage to kill them and make them work for their kills.

But also, Chiv competitive was never that big of a scene, and the active alpha playerbase of Mordhau was in the hundreds, so all that sweat is concentrated into two competitive EU duel servers. Easy to avoid if you want to play with almost entirely new players.
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