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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #150 on: May 10, 2019, 06:07:02 pm »
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #151 on: May 10, 2019, 08:07:48 pm »
Charging naked into 32 enemies is the only real way to play Warband.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #152 on: May 11, 2019, 05:20:31 am »
I played at work yesterday

pls never change

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #153 on: May 11, 2019, 09:58:09 am »
Tbh I'm starting to think I might prefer Mordhau combat/parry system to M&B's. It also works much better for new players: they can easily block other new player's attacks, so it's not such a stupid spam fest as newbies playing Warband where neither of them can block the other.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #154 on: May 11, 2019, 01:52:55 pm »
Its definitely better for new players, much more casual friendly which is what makes it so popular and enjoyable. However i feel the system is less geared towards an interesting competitive scene, whatever thats worth. Im sure it will pop up anyways, just wont be that exciting to watch, i feel.

Its almost like a guilty pleasure or something for me. Its fun to play with buddies, but i get quite bored in game. I like testing out new weapons and "builds", but also get kinda bored over time with all the annoyances like catapults (friendly especially) and cav. I like the game, but i also hate the game.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #155 on: May 11, 2019, 03:07:19 pm »
its popped up already, check twitch
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #156 on: May 11, 2019, 04:54:21 pm »
Its definitely better for new players, much more casual friendly which is what makes it so popular and enjoyable. However i feel the system is less geared towards an interesting competitive scene, whatever thats worth. Im sure it will pop up anyways, just wont be that exciting to watch, i feel.

Its almost like a guilty pleasure or something for me. Its fun to play with buddies, but i get quite bored in game. I like testing out new weapons and "builds", but also get kinda bored over time with all the annoyances like catapults (friendly especially) and cav. I like the game, but i also hate the game.
I almost exclusively play duel, it feels like Frontline is running on 5 hz tickrate or something and anyways most of the maps become boring slugfests where you get killed by ballistas, catapults and teammates -- only a couple of the maps offer enough cover and flanking routes. I think what Mordhau really lacks is interesting game modes. There's absolutely nothing equivalent to Battle or Siege. Skirmish gets close to Battle, but the maps are boring as fuck compared to cRPG or even Native, and it's so linear. In cRPG, battles had scope and people were fighting over a massive terrain. In Mordhau, Skirmish rounds last like twenty seconds before the winner is decided by one team steamrolling over the other.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #157 on: May 12, 2019, 03:20:58 pm »
I almost exclusively play duel, it feels like Frontline is running on 5 hz tickrate or something and anyways most of the maps become boring slugfests where you get killed by ballistas, catapults and teammates -- only a couple of the maps offer enough cover and flanking routes. I think what Mordhau really lacks is interesting game modes. There's absolutely nothing equivalent to Battle or Siege. Skirmish gets close to Battle, but the maps are boring as fuck compared to cRPG or even Native, and it's so linear. In cRPG, battles had scope and people were fighting over a massive terrain. In Mordhau, Skirmish rounds last like twenty seconds before the winner is decided by one team steamrolling over the other.

I would probably go for duels as well if i didnt have the clearly superior 1v1 game Tekken 7 going. It became clear to me yesterday that defence is not the best offence in this game, defence is just required at a bare minimum, other than that you have to get creative and fucky with your offence and just beat people down. Im using a falchion now as my main weapon, fun to use and doesnt feel busted like executioner sword or etc (lets not even mention rapier or short spear). I literally just swing and turn 180 degrees, and keep swinging if it whiffs or connects, if parried i obviously go for defence though.

Now this may be very different when duelling properly, but feints and especially morphs with thrusting weapons just seem incredibly good. Almost always works, and certain thrusts seem near instant so you either block it immediately and eat a morph, or eat the thrust depending on the commitment. Probably meant to be chambered as a counter i suppose, but its brutally strong. And thrusts in general can either connect near instantly, or at the very end of the animation. Ive had blocks miss from spears just turning thrusts into me even though timing was generally on point and its kinda jank. If you could at least cancel or follow a block with a regular swing no matter if it was a successful block or not, it would make a world of difference because at least you would have a second chance at a chamber.

I really feel like its a poor design choice to make blocks such a commitment that you cant even cancel them into attacks, you are way more commited if you decide to block rather than just swinging.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #158 on: May 12, 2019, 05:08:30 pm »
Thrust feints are countered by chambers, yes. That's why they don't really work, especially if you do a lot of them. And I don't think it's poor design with the blocks, if they were more forgiving like you suggest, defending would become way too easy. Part of the charm of the game is that it doesn't have the eternal duels of Warband/cRPG, because parrying is harder, and because of the stamina system. You can soft read attacks with chamber FTPs though, which works kind of like you suggest, except you attack before you block. Obviously this comes at the cost of lots of stamina, but it does give you a very generous window of defense if you need it.

All of those weapons you mention are also only strong against bad players, but the game does have something of an issue with low level vs. high level play, where there are some very oppressive features at low level that are useless at high level, like rapiers, short spear, shields, etc.

Some duels:

The timed parry makes reading attacks a much more important skill than it is in WB, which is interesting, requires you to stay calm at all times against good players. Also enables lots of different ways of attacking, and pressuring people works wonders.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #159 on: May 12, 2019, 08:39:00 pm »
Ah yeah, thats the thing i dislike about it coming from warband. The absolute control youve got in warband feels better, but specifically in native since crpg got slowed down too much that duels turned eternal. Specifically speaking from experience in Frontline only, when you fight 95% of people that dont do squat but swing, and then suddenly someone feints or does something fancy, the patience/timing required just feels very strict. I could see it being easier to deal with when you are duelling, since you are completely ready for it. Unfortunately i just dont like it enough, so i'll just keep butchering people on frontline until one feint kills me.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #160 on: May 13, 2019, 06:24:54 pm »
Some duels:

gah, those fucking lute guys on every duel server.

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #161 on: May 13, 2019, 06:40:29 pm »
I don't mind a good lutenist that plays some real music. (Super mario theme as you charge into battle is awesome) but god damn the chucklefucks plucking the same note over and over gotta go

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #162 on: May 13, 2019, 07:37:48 pm »
gah, those fucking lute guys on every duel server.
It gets fucking annoying after a while, yes. It's not bad now and then, but always having that cancerous one-note shit in your ears gets old.
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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #163 on: May 13, 2019, 08:02:27 pm »
Btw to see them having such huge success makes me wonder...  i rather not finish the thought, donkeys will go their own way and be fine :)

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Re: Mordhau
« Reply #164 on: May 13, 2019, 10:55:44 pm »
blah blah

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Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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