Author Topic: I ask you Europeans !  (Read 30078 times)

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2015, 02:23:09 am »
Leshma confirmed fake gamer. Maybe he meant the Firefly reavers? In which case, Leshma nerd confirmed.
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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2015, 02:38:08 am »
When Leshma says Reavers I think about this:

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #47 on: November 16, 2015, 02:46:00 am »
From wiki
Reavers are a fictional group of humans in the television series Firefly and film Serenity who live on the fringes of civilized space and have become animalistic. Within most of the timeline of the series and movie, the existence of Reavers is officially denied by the Alliance, the ruling government of humanity, but they are a harsh reality around the outer planets.
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
For everything that could have been At least we took the ride There's no relief in bitterness Might as well let it die

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2015, 02:48:06 am »
The 2 million dead in Iraq, how many of them died at the hands of the americans? How many were victims of suicide bombings, ethnic cleansing, endless sectarian hatred and warfare? So tired of these stupid cunts pretending the religion, is, yet again, completely blameless, when it is at the very core and heart of all this suffering.
Let's look at Vietnam, actually, perfect example. Where are all the angry vietnamese commiting mass murders? Where are all the vietnamese cells perpetrating war on innocent civilians? Vietnam suffered vastly more in every way than any colonized muslim country, so where is the "blowback"?

He was dishonorably discharged from the military in the early 90's for failing a drug test.

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2015, 03:18:35 am »
Yes, but let's not get off topic here. The salient point is this: Oberyn is a fake democratic humanist.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2015, 03:46:18 am »
Leshma confirmed fake gamer. Maybe he meant the Firefly reavers? In which case, Leshma nerd confirmed.

Of course.

Reavers are humans turned savages. Best is to avoid them, they are very dangerous but aren't really known for rapid expansion. Created during failed experiment. Aside from smaller scale assaults on lawless planets, they don't pose as true threat for Alliance. Don't go to lawless planets on the edge of the galaxy, stay away from the shithole they occupy and you'll be fine.

Reapers are like Borg, far more dangerous and intelligent synthetic species that are capable of destroying words. Technologically far more advanced than humans.

It is an insult for Reapers or Borg Collective to compare them with barbarian humans like ISIL. They are far above their level.

When Joss Whedon decide one day to give Firefly another go he should start with:

In order to make lives better for everybody throughout galaxy and in a way, to repent for their sins against residents of planet Miranda, leaders of Alliance have decided to start a project of integrating Reaver refugees into central planets society :mrgreen:

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2015, 08:06:15 am »
Reyiz lay off the opium you delusional fuck. I feel sorry for any innocent people that die. But until you retarded Muslims start helping yourself by advancing beyond medieval religion based laws and lifestyles, no one can help you, because its exactly that reason why your countries suffer the "terrorists" aka extreme Muslims. Even worse because we opened our doors to your kind in the past, we now have these same extreme Muslims murdering our innocents. I would happily see every practicing Muslim, man woman and child, sent to the middle east and have Islam banned, because my country would be safer and my children would have a far brighter future.

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2015, 08:31:21 am »
You are 2 faced pricks eventhough you are developed and pretend like you got rid of religon(bite me!)
Why u soo mad? did some one of ur friend died during the terrorist attacks in France? do not be sad, for the murder of infidels, he will go to heaven
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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2015, 08:32:26 am »
dont give me any shitty talk of humanity, development(3rd world countries)...  even if you are pretending to be an atheist, you are still crusaders !

You do realise Europe is significantly more humane than any islamic country will ever be. Such accidents in Europe are rare, unlike in the Middle-East. And thats actually why all the immigrants currently hoard our borders. Our kindness has limits and is taken advantage of by many. And you have the balls to call us crusaders? Poor people from basically all sides of the earth have currently surrounding Europe and with that they have totally broken the already fragile unity of Europe just by exsisting. Thanks to the immigrants we might lose Schengen. And not only that, basically most people come with only demands and nothing to offer. So I am dreadfully sorry that we dont feel pitty for those other people anymore.

And we are crusaders? We havent crucified anyone. Last I heard the only ones doing any crusades and beheading people are the Jihadist terrorists. We are just trying to protect our own.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 08:35:47 am by Tibe »

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2015, 08:42:43 am »
Reyiz lay off the opium you delusional fuck. I feel sorry for any innocent people that die. But until you retarded Muslims start helping yourself by advancing beyond medieval religion based laws and lifestyles, no one can help you, because its exactly that reason why your countries suffer the "terrorists" aka extreme Muslims. Even worse because we opened our doors to your kind in the past, we now have these same extreme Muslims murdering our innocents. I would happily see every practicing Muslim, man woman and child, sent to the middle east and have Islam banned, because my country would be safer and my children would have a far brighter future.

wow such racist, much chocolate chip cookie 

quick, we need to organize a table against right wingers, to prevent such facists statements from spreading!11!

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2015, 11:47:48 am »
exactly :)

but itis not about europeans and non-europeans.. it is still about religons...

What is the best religion, Reyizz?

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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2015, 01:44:46 pm »
Reyiz lay off the opium you delusional fuck. I feel sorry for any innocent people that die. But until you retarded Muslims start helping yourself by advancing beyond medieval religion based laws and lifestyles, no one can help you, because its exactly that reason why your countries suffer the "terrorists" aka extreme Muslims. Even worse because we opened our doors to your kind in the past, we now have these same extreme Muslims murdering our innocents. I would happily see every practicing Muslim, man woman and child, sent to the middle east and have Islam banned, because my country would be safer and my children would have a far brighter future.

Werent 5 of the terrorists french people? They were not coming as refugee u fucking lazy retard, get ur iformations right. Simply cuz there was ONE syrian passport found, u guys qq that refugees come here and bomb ur city... And even close the border so the ones who are really innocent are not being helped. It was not the IS coming to u, it was YOUR FRENCH PEOPLE going to them.

 Ur country is french, ur people are french. U cant say we french dont want muslims here, because there are french muslims (and enough that who are no chocolate chip cookie fucks) and even french terrorists. Neither can u say that we christians do not want muslims, because u are probably no beleiving person. So u can simply say we atheists do not want religion. And that statement is pretty lame.

But go for it. Best would be to imo kill them all when they are coming wouldnt it be?


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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2015, 01:55:02 pm »
Yeah, all these "french" terrorists. They wholeheartedly embrace the "french" identity, so proud of being french. The fact that they are all "french" muslims is completely irrelevant, the real important salient fact is that they are "french", right? THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT THEIR SHIT RELIGION IS WHAT LEADS THEM TO HATE FRANCE AND EUROPE AND EVERYTHING IT REPRESENTS, even if they were born here, even if they were raised and lived their entire lives here. Fuck your endless whining and excuse about how the real responsable party is, surprise, the evil evil west and it's population that just isn't tolerant enough of these backwards barbaric cunts.
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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2015, 02:03:22 pm »
exactly :)

but itis not about europeans and non-europeans.. it is still about religons...

Wouldn't agree with that - for me personally it's not about religion, being European or having a certain skin color. It's about sharing same values and respecting certain traditions: I am a Russian living in Denmark, and so I respect Danish traditions and share Danish ( or Scandinavian for that matter ) values - otherwise I would not be living here. And that is what I expect of every single foreigner who is living here - if they wish to build a different society inside Denmark, they can pack their shit and get the fuck out. I don't see how there can be any other sane way of dealing with it.
I am working with guys from Pakistan and Turkey, yet they eat whatever everyone else is eating, they are drinking, gambling, participating in Christmas dinner, etc. Has nothing to do with religion or whatever traditions their ancestors had. I don't believe in God, or have any historical connection with Catholics or Protestants, though I see no reasons to resent any local traditions. And I most certainly do not expect Danes to take my Russian heritage in consideration - hell, I don't want anything Russian in Denamrk at all! Why the fuck would I?! I don't want this place to become Russia, it would be a nightmare, that's the reason I don't want to be there in the first place.
And I apply the same to every single foreigner here - Russian, Chinese, French or Syrian - I don't want to have any of their traditions, values or culture here in Denamrk.

being an immigrant myself, I believe I have right to express my views without being instantly labeled as a right wing nationalist.
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Re: I ask you Europeans !
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2015, 02:08:53 pm »
1st that was my answer to his brainless comment.

2nd: I got no doubt that it is their religion. But their religion is simply not islam. I do have many friends who are muslims. All of them are even angrier than u are. And why does everybody qq now? Like, we knew what was going on down there. We know it for like 15 years now. The only thing eu and usa does is killing them and leaving the weapns for the next one who wants to do something. We were all watching... Btw oberyn what would be ur solution? Kicking them out?