Author Topic: France under attack....  (Read 55275 times)

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #345 on: November 17, 2015, 07:35:28 pm »
The fact they share the common origins is just useless trivia. Mohammed took an older religion because it was easy, claimed himself a prophet, and twisted it into something completely different.

After slaughtering an entire tribe of Jews Muhammed found their holy book and conveniently most of the hard work was already done for him. He just kept one Jew alive to transcribe and edit it, and probably cut his head off when that work was done too. What a "peaceful" religion!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 07:39:33 pm by Grytviken »

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #346 on: November 17, 2015, 07:47:33 pm »
Here's another fun about radical Islam in Europe. Twice as many British Muslims have gone to fight for ISIS then have joined the British Army lmfao. I bet quite a few returned to a hero's welcome in their shariah neighborhoods in London.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #347 on: November 17, 2015, 07:53:19 pm »
Just saw this on imgur, I could imagine Oberyn frothing at the mouth watching this  :lol:

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #348 on: November 17, 2015, 07:59:52 pm »
Just saw this on imgur, I could imagine Oberyn frothing at the mouth watching this  :lol:

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Are those poor Muslim refugees still throwing Christians into the Mediterranean to make "space" on their boats?

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #349 on: November 17, 2015, 08:04:24 pm »
The behaviour and attributes of God is consistent between Christianity, Judaism and Islam in the Old Testament.
Christianity branches off cos it has a new testament where we're forced to believe that either God got replaced by a calmer God somewhere between testaments, or he really mellowed with age and stopped smiting people/wiping out their first-borns and started talking about loving one another and treating others as you would wish to be treated.
And then you also happen to know that Christians believe that Jesus is God, and he is also a spirit a father. Which both Islam and Judaism deny, and then at the same time you claim in the first quotation i made that the attributes of God is consistent in the three faiths. So no they are quite different, which you also say in the second quote. And the stories in the bible are different in the Quran, where god acts differently.

And when you say "they all believe in the God of Abraham" that is incorrect. The Christians believe in a God that is defined by the trinity and the Jews believe in a God that is not. Now there's only one God speaking to Abraham in the bible, and the attributes of God differ between these two religions. The Muslims believe Abrahams God was their God. In fact Muslims believe that every prophet in the bible was a Muslim and spread Islam, but the religion was corrupted with time into other religions such as Judaism and Christianity where polytheism and kufr was introduced, and then Muhammed was sent as the final prophet to reestablish the religion. So they believe that they used to believe in Allah, but deviated and are praying to idols, and other gods or deny the attributes of God. Even in the hadith the Jews mock the Muslim God in debates with Muhammed, where they call Islam's God poor because its an obligation for Muslims to pay zakat ( Too much to quote read this site if you care).
The Jews and Christians are both kaafirs and mushrikeen. They are kaafirs because they deny the truth and reject it. And they are mushrikeen because they worship someone other than Allaah.

Anyways it's quite subjective like I said, if your assumption is that they believe in the same God, because the religions share same roots then so be it.  I don't think they should be considered the same God because if you compare the three they are different. But the respective followers of each religion believe it's their God in the stories.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 08:10:57 pm by BASNAK »
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #350 on: November 17, 2015, 08:05:24 pm »
Just saw this on imgur, I could imagine Oberyn frothing at the mouth watching this  :lol:

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #351 on: November 17, 2015, 09:09:36 pm »
The Trinity wasn't established as doctrine before 325AD though, at the Council of Nicea, and at that time Christians were not only Jews but Greeks, Romans, Gauls, Germans etc. Already at the time of the Acts of the Apostles many of the Christian cult were Greeks.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #352 on: November 17, 2015, 09:40:35 pm »
My comment was only on the fact that doctrine has changed much over time and that there's always been numerous sects within the Abrahamic religions, among different tribes. Gnosticism didn't even consider Jahve as a supreme being but as a demiurge, and Arianism which was very wide-spread during the third century completely rejected the mystery of the Trinity.

But yes, the Abrahamic religions all build on the same foundation, some early Israelite elemental god mixed with some Ahura Mazda (and before that the city-state patron deities of various Mesopotamian tribes), and in later European theology a lot of Platonic dualism.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 09:48:43 pm by Angantyr »

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #353 on: November 17, 2015, 09:51:33 pm »
Police found an ambulance full of explosives at a football match in Hannover.

From Hannover. Police advise citizens from Hannover to stay indoors. Reports suggest 3 planned attacks, dealt with by police.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #354 on: November 17, 2015, 10:03:07 pm »
All 3 religions see parts of the Old Testament as being divine.

This is absolutely not true. Muslims believe that the bible is heavily fabricated and modified, and all the stories about old prophets such as Abraham, Moses and so on are quite different and so is Gods behaviour in them, if you compare the quran and bible. The bible stories tend to be mega fucked up, while the quran stories are more refined, but not as fucked up.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #355 on: November 17, 2015, 10:24:14 pm »
Basnak trying to convert young CRPGers to Islam.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #356 on: November 17, 2015, 10:38:57 pm »
Why do you kill yourselves to help others? Why do you kill yourselves to help people that kill you? Even if it is .01% of the refugees, thats still thousands. And its not like your people are armed anyway so you all might as well put your necks on the chopping block and get it over with if you aren't going to change.
also pepe you may see europeans as french, english, german, italian, swedish, austrian and such but do you really think the immigrants care? Do you think they care if you are catholic or athiest? No they do not because you are not muslim. You are not one of them so they will kill you just the same.
Okay, I need your protection, your love. :P

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #357 on: November 17, 2015, 10:40:15 pm »
Basnak trying to convert young CRPGers to Islam.

Yes Allahu Akbar and so forth.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #358 on: November 17, 2015, 10:42:38 pm »

This guy though:

Yawn.... It's always about fighting/war with some people on here, isn't it? Anything to incite to the fight (or the 'jihad?') against the big, fat, evil 'kuffar'. How ridiculous! Always the exaggeration, always the demonization, always the minimization of the kuffar deaths. Always blaming the 'kuffars' for all the woes of the muslim world. We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't....

Or these ones:

Juvenille. All of this posturing is.

"The Kuffar don't care about us".

Yes/no. They care like they care about wars in African countries. They see African people as different and they have difficulty empathising. In the same way they see us as different or to use Zizeks phrase we are 'the other' and they react the same way. The reason we are seen as different is because we do not and have not ever reached out in fact we reject them. We are in every country in the world and by and large we reject our neighbours. Is it any surprise they act like they do?

Why do you think the Sikh Hindu's and Jews don't face the issues we face? Ah yes because while they might not marry the kuffar they still treat them as brothers

You're all going to say well that's not the Muslim way. Well... perhaps it's time to change.

The personal is political. If everyone focused on their own immediate neighbours and stopped blaming everything on Zionists in x country and Shia's in Z country then or the nebulous "Americans" then we could start to clean up this unholy mess bit by bit. Yes I care about people other countries but there is not a lot I can do about them. I certainly wouldn't be so nieve as to sign myself up for a war thousands of miles away in a country who's socioeconomic situation, language and culture I barely understand. That to me is immature, shortsighted and arrogant.

I can do something about the lady sitting opposite me on the bus, I can do something about my behaviour towards the family who live in the house opposite. I can do something about the lady I work with who is upset about my collegue wearing a hijab.

Muslims seem to do nothing but blaming others for their problems. This is very unhealthy. How about we start at home?

That forum is strangely less hugbox-ish than SRS. Yeah, I voluntarily made a prudent claim.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #359 on: November 17, 2015, 10:51:59 pm »
This guy though:

Or these ones:

That forum is strangely less hugbox-ish than SRS. Yeah, I voluntarily made a prudent claim.
What's the one thing in common with those people?  Join date: November 2015, less than 65 posts.
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