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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #75 on: November 14, 2015, 04:29:18 pm »
..What? For a starters did I ever say theft? I said robbery.

The context of this verse is when some strangers came to Muhammed and converted. They were ill so Muhammed sent them to a local sheepherd who they murdered and robbed. These robbers were brutally punished by the Muslims. Crucifixion is common amongst muslims, as a punishment against apostates, robbers and murders etc.

How about you get your facts straight?

Theft and robbery are the same thing. The only difference in legal terms is the degree of violence but doesn't include murder as that is separate.

Crucifixion is one of the suggested punishments for murder as murder is seen as the most abhorrent of crimes and a crime against Islam and God but certainly not robbery/theft on its own has that punishment.

It also still leaves open forgiveness by repentance. If those who commit these acts are truly repentant then they can be forgiven and shouldn't be punished. The idea being that ultimately, they will face God and be judged by God for their acts and it is not our place to do so if they have asked God for forgiveness.

Nowhere in the Quran is stoning mentioned as a punishment either. That came later a result of the Hadiths and as a result for many Muslims is entirely unacceptable as a punishment. Unfortunately it is upheld by the more conservative followers of Islam as they pay far too much attention to the Hadiths.

If the Quran is truly followed then in order to prescribe any punishment for adultery 4 witnesses are needed. Even if the accuser swears an oath, if the accused also swears an oath then they cannot be punished. I can't think of many situations where an act of adultery is witnessed by 4 people. And then the punishment is 100 lashes for the adulterer and if falsely accused then it's 80 lashes for the accuser. Again however, if the adulterer is repentant, they cannot be punished.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 04:35:50 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #76 on: November 14, 2015, 04:37:48 pm »
Lol the West is filled with stupid fucking cunts like Heskey and Overdriven who were bloviating before the bodies were even cold that ultimately this is all the fault of the West and we should just accept our commeupance stoically. Oh yes and keep importing more people from this collective that has no allegiance, respect or attachment to any Western values or identities. We owe it to them to make our entire identities and countries catalysts to change their barbaric and backwards views to a more "modern" perspective. The occasional bloodbath of kaffir facing the righteous wrath of Allah's fanboys is merely growing pains of the beautiful future of multicultural peace and understanding that lies before us. Give it a few more generations of exposure to our superior way of life and all the violent fanatics will melt away like morning dew before the sun.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #77 on: November 14, 2015, 04:40:49 pm »
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 04:17:50 pm by SaxonBiceps »
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #78 on: November 14, 2015, 04:40:51 pm »
Yes, yes, truly the Quran is compassionate and rational, it's a wonder and a complete mystery why islamic fanatics are driven over and over and over again, all around the planet, to murder and violently attack their "enemies". It's absolutely nothing to do with the scripture or the laws or literally what Islam encourages, lol only an islamophobic biggot would come to that conclusion.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #79 on: November 14, 2015, 04:43:12 pm »
Lol the West is filled with stupid fucking cunts like Heskey and Overdriven who were bloviating before the bodies were even cold that ultimately this is all the fault of the West and we should just accept our commeupance stoically. Oh yes and keep importing more people from this collective that has no allegiance, respect or attachment to any Western values or identities. We owe it to them to make our entire identities and countries catalysts to change their barbaric and backwards views to a more "modern" perspective. The occasional bloodbath of kaffir facing the righteous wrath of Allah's fanboys is merely growing pains of the beautiful future of multicultural peace and understanding that lies before us. Give it a few more generations of exposure to our superior way of life and all the violent fanatics will melt away like morning dew before the sun.

It's not only the fault of the West. It's also the fault of Arab elite accepting and forcing Wahhabi practices onto Muslim populations in the last century. Populations that were previously extremely diverse and rather accepting of Western practices.

But the West has a huge hand in it after lending support to the Gulf states that perpetuate this type of Islam and helping their influence to grow. Particularly through enormous funding. The West is pretty much paying the people who attack them to keep on attacking them.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #80 on: November 14, 2015, 04:54:01 pm »
The West is filled with stupid cunts like you who decided who was behind this attack and why before the bodies were even cold, and before you had any evidence.
Because it's obvious to anyone with even half a brain?

Who did it turn out to be, Heskey? Who? ISIS? Wow, what a surprise.

If you were capable of rational thinking, you'd realize the fact that people are able to accurately predict the organization and religion of the perpetrators speaks volumes. How many religions are there in the world, how many organizations? How many possible lone wolf scenarios? Yet, as if by a miracle, it turns out to be done in the name of Allah. Like everyone knew. Because they're the ones responsible for terror attacks.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #81 on: November 14, 2015, 04:56:37 pm »
Poor muslim people, they just have no agency or will, literally like children on the world stage, all martyrs opressed by random powerful influences. They become murderous fanatics through no fault of their own, of course. To suggest that Islam is responsible on any level would be blasphemy. The West and all the people therein are collectively guilty, and general retribution is expected and understood, because muslims are understood to be like children who can't control themselves, they merely react to external stimuli. But muslims are also individuals, you can't just blame the tens of thousands of murderous muslim fanatics all over the planet on their whole collective! Any generalized attribution to Islam as a whole is merely irrational racist biggotry.
Stupid fucking hypocritical muslim asshole, every single only of your responses to this event has been about how ultimately the real victims, are, drumroll, the poor opressed muslims. Fucking bored of these idiot cunts living in first world countries, literally the most tolerant and permissive places on the entire planet, pretending they're living under some sort of totalitarian colonialist racist regime that "opresses" them.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #82 on: November 14, 2015, 05:08:11 pm »
Poor muslim people, they just have no agency or will, literally like children on the world stage, all martyrs opressed by random powerful influences. They become murderous fanatics through no fault of their own, of course. To suggest that Islam is responsible on any level would be blasphemy. The West and all the people therein are collectively guilty, and general retribution is expected and understood, because muslims are understood to be like children who can't control themselves, they merely react to external stimuli. But muslims are also individuals, you can't just blame the tens of thousands of murderous muslim fanatics all over the planet on their whole collective! Any generalized attribution to Islam as a whole is merely irrational racist biggotry.
Stupid fucking hypocritical muslim asshole, every single only of your responses to this event has been about how ultimately the real victims, are, drumroll, the poor opressed muslims. Fucking bored of these idiot cunts living in first world countries, literally the most tolerant and permissive places on the entire planet, pretending they're living under some sort of totalitarian colonialist racist regime that "opresses" them.

Have you any idea how  big a role education plays in all of this? Imagine growing up in a conservative Islamic society. You have to go to the Mosque every Friday where your probably preached at about the evil West ect from a very young age. Add to that you will go to Islamic studies, run by institutions created by the Wahhabis, designed to fill your head with bullshit so you follow what they want you to follow.

Most people in these societies are given no opportunity to even question what they are being told due to lack of resources, state control ect. How the hell are they supposed to break out of the mold? You get rare cases like Malala who was advocating female education in one of the slightly less insanely conservative Muslim countries and got shot in the head for it. If that's the response from those who seek to maintain control is it any wonder that more Muslims don't speak out if they have doubts?

Your a prime example of how this works. Fed bullshit by the media and politicians for a decade since 9/11 about the evil of Islam. And it's worked wonders. You are 100% on the side of those who preach just as much hate against Islam as many Muslims do against the West. You are part of the problem.

You are trying far to hard to simplify a situation that is insanely complex by boiling it down to 'Islam is bad'. Inherently it isn't. But the institutions that have been supported and given enormous power to control millions of people are the problem. And the West was a big fucking part of helping establish that as well as the ruling elites in those countries. They are abusing a religion for their own purposes, to maintain control and fear in their own countries to increasingly make themselves wealthy. And the West is falling for it again by pumping those who are fighting against Assad with funds no matter how extreme their ideology. It's a big fuck up all round and no one is helping the situation and it's perpetually getting worse.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 05:15:29 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #83 on: November 14, 2015, 05:23:47 pm »
Why is that our fucking problem? Why is it the West's responsability that the whole of the muslim world is in the throes of backwards camel fuckers? I'm not trying to immigrate to Algeria and change their fucking laws or mores or pretend I have any sort of entitlement to their land. I'm not crying about the blatant and open xenophobia, hatred and loathing muslims have for westerners, encouraged and coddled by pieces of shit like you, as long as they stay in their third world shitholes. Why is it a fait accompli that we MUST accept hundreds of thousands of these backwards camel fuckers from cultures completely incompatible with ours, cultures in which loathing for our decadent, immoral ways are enshrined in law and culture, in our countries? It's not our responsability or duty to reform Islamic societies. They can keep their "mold", which you ironically attribute to western meddling, as opposed to, you know, the hundreds of years of theocratic islamic empires based on conquest of non-muslims and rule of dhimmis. Because OF COURSE anything negative must be a foreign element, "true" islam is peace and rainbows and puppies.
You should look into the West/Gulf countries relationship some more. Who do you think gains more from the association? The backwards third world shitholes filled with 10th century fanatics who just happen to have enough natural resources to keep a stranglehold on the balance of the energy market, or the most militarily and economically developped nations on the globe?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 05:27:19 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #84 on: November 14, 2015, 05:24:34 pm »
Paranoia spreads now, pretty great reads in swedish media and twitter stuff. A journalist said that its important to remember the biggest threat is still right extremism, someone replied with an article from Swedish Security Service that proves him wrong. He then basically says that the article is wrong.

Border police is getting swarmed with media now, making sure that they are being thorough etc, when before they would shun them and be of the complete opposite. Great reads indeed.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #85 on: November 14, 2015, 05:49:32 pm »
Your a prime example of how this works. Fed bullshit by the media and politicians for a decade since 9/11 about the evil of Islam. And it's worked wonders. You are 100% on the side of those who preach just as much hate against Islam as many Muslims do against the West. You are part of the problem.

How is it our problem that the muslim societies teach their younglings to be tards? Why is it our obligation to help them? And ofcourse we are the part of the problem. But this is also our part of the land. So...fck off...and we will not have any problems. :lol:

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #86 on: November 14, 2015, 05:51:49 pm »
Seriously, France is my first option if i quit Turkey. And now this... it seems like i won't be able to get away from all this bullshit.

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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #87 on: November 14, 2015, 05:53:54 pm »
How can you take what Overdriven says seriously anyway? He believes in Santa Claus. Clearly his beliefs aren't based on reason.
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #88 on: November 14, 2015, 05:54:03 pm »
Nowhere in the Quran is stoning mentioned as a punishment either. That came later a result of the Hadiths and as a result for many Muslims is entirely unacceptable as a punishment. Unfortunately it is upheld by the more conservative followers of Islam as they pay far too much attention to the Hadiths.

Well it's always easy being a Buffet-Muslim, because they look at the hadiths and pick the ones that are nice and peaceful. Usually the ones about how to pray. And then whenever they stumble upon the really fucked up ones, it has to be such a relief for them when they can just say Nope! and make up some excuse about how "You should not pay attention to such hadiths!" - "They're fabricated!" - "Not in the Quran lel!".

Take a chain of people that reported hadith, where they describe the life of the Prophet and his doings. You will find both hadith where the Prophet describes prayer (which is what Buffet-Muslims look for), and other hadith about where the prophet orders molten metal to be poured into criminals eyes after they've been maimed, and end up being dumped in the desert to die (which Buffet-Muslims will ignore). The hadiths are reported by the same chain of people and verified to be non-fabricated. Hypocritically the Buffet-Muslims will just pick one of them. Why? Certainly not because of objective reasons, but rather subjective reasons. Likely because it will not conflict with ethics and morals that they have derived from western secularism and humanism.

Then you have other Muslims that take their faith seriously, and will actually follow validated hadith and not "hand pick" subjectively depending on whether it conflicts with their ethics and morals. We both know that Islam without hadith doesn't work. The Quran is many times very vague, and requires hadith to be able to understand what the verses are refering to and the specifics on things like how to pray which the Quran does not describe, but still tells you to do five times a day.

What I do not understand is why a person would call himself a follower of a religion, which includes faith in a God that is omnipotent and has eternal knowledge, and then handpicks parts of the religion making it suitable to secular ideals that aren't even derived from that religion. And just to be clear, there are still messed up things in the Quran too, e.g. permission to marry a child before puberty (which the Prophet himself did in the hadith).
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Re: France under attack....
« Reply #89 on: November 14, 2015, 05:57:31 pm »

"ISIL Claimed responsibility"
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