The difference between cRPG and Mercenaries:
Mercenaries has less items. U cannot improve ur items and many items have the same stats.
Mercenaries has no WSE2
Mercenaries players are overall worse than cRPG players
Mercenaries has no level system
Mercenaries has no strat
Mercenaries has ridiculous teammates who kill you 90% of the time u play groupfight
Mercenaries has no report function (strg-m u know)
Mercenaries has no voice chat
Mercenaries getting barely improved
Mercenaries have EXTREME op archers. At all the game is pretty unbalanced!
Cavs get fall damage after falling off their horse
Mercenaries has no teammate bump
Assasins can kill tincans onehit from behind with a dagger
Mercenaries leads u to become the best player on this round, cuz:
U get more gold when u kill enemies. U do not have ticks like in crpg, where u constantly have to win the round.. So crpg is based on teamfight, merc on one man army.
U dont have the slots like in crpg, u can actually carry 4 GLBs with u if u feel like.
The community has some clans which do clanwars. Nothing really special tbh.
No krems
No pepe
And the most important thing:
EXTREME laggy combat. Like, really. I can block 10 times better on NA 1 than on a eu server in merc.
You will need ages to get a good character, especially cav and tincan!
In crpg u have enough money in the beginning to create a medium armored hero, and after 5 hours of playing u should be able to afford the money for a tincan! And even though u dont have the lvl, u can make a skf.
And like really, the difference between 35 and 37 is like nothing...
I dont know anything else atm, pretty sure I could continue that list to like twice of its lengh but I gotta leave now.
My conclusion: merc has aids.
(Btw I was playing merc for like 1 year. So I do fucking know what Im talking about