Author Topic: Suggestion: Deathmatch Mode  (Read 666 times)

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Offline panderson

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Suggestion: Deathmatch Mode
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:24:26 am »
The way upkeep works, it no longer matters how many times you die, so let me lay out my idea for Deathmatch.  This should liven it up a bit with the monotony of playing the same gametypes.

1.  It's a brawl.  Like any other deathmatch, anything goes.  I don't think I have to explain that point.

2.  At the end of the round, multipliers are assigned based on your ranking on the scoreboard.  On a 10 person server, I recommend the following:

The top person will always get x5 automatically.

Second place gets x4.

3-5 get x3.

6-7 get x2.

8-10 get x1.

3.  Your multiplier resets at the end of each round based on your rank.  If possible, this would specifically be your kills each round, but if that is not possible, your overall kill total for the map would work as well.

This can easily be scaled for larger server pops.  However, I do think that only the top person, or maybe 1 and 2 should get x5.  This is also an excellent way to avoid rewarding leechers.  If you just run naked with fists into a melee, you will not kill anyone and get x1. 

As I understand it (and after talking to Braeden) game coding allows for other game types like deathmatch, capture the flag, and king of the hill.  I think this would be a great idea.

Edit:  These numbers can also be tweaked.  It may be a bit generous to give the vast majority of the server +2 or better, but I did not want to be elitist and make the lower half of the server get +1 just because I am usually towards the top of the boards.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 07:34:00 am by panderson »

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Re: Suggestion: Deathmatch Mode
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2011, 11:18:23 am »

on a sidenote: When cRPG gets boring, I go terrorising a native DM server. Everything in cRPG is harder, and manual block is way more important in here, so native is poop-simple. I always top the boards there  :twisted: You should try too. If you switch to native for an hour, you think it's poop-simple. It's filled with spammers and weak archers  8-)

Offline Lanic0r

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Re: Suggestion: Deathmatch Mode
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 11:50:36 am »
good idea but this is the wrong forumfield, go tu suggestion corner ;)