After all that QQ for stab revert, this is what happens when it's reverted. And why am i not surprised?
'Mod died cos 2h quit over the stab', *stab is reverted* 'Why mod no have 200 players prime time again?'
I dont think anyone expected mod to be revived because of the revert, since it was at the same player amount before the animation change. It just makes the game enjoyable for veterans who liked 2h. Its only a fix to a already made step backwards, each patch adds a lot of items which is great, but as far as balancing goes it just seems to be steps taken backwards, nerfs with nearly no buffs. And the buffs are for classes that are already top perfoming.
Stab revert is great, other fixes still could be nice. Game is fine just major changes are a bit risky, and will split community kind of. At this point i just want buffs really, no class deserves nerfs.