Once again, the glorious 2hander master race wins.
The new, non abusable stab lasted for how long? 7-8 months? And now you want to bring the lolstab back, why? Because the epeen of all the fail players who were only good by S keying and abusing the insta stab can feel good about their epeen again???
I play the mod for 5 years, and every year is the same shit, 2h gets a minor nerf, and all the abusing little twats change to the most OP class at the time , couple of patches later 2h class gets a huge buff and every teenager who feeds his violence insticts by being a 2h sperglord is happy again. At least have the decency to salvare le apparenze, and treat the other melee classes like with the 2h class.
Haven`t you ever wondered why all the so called "good duelists" are all 2handers? They master blocking, they playsafe (no kicks, no chambering, no risks) and the only thing they try to do is hug and right spam you in order to abuse the retarded hit boxes, hug you and abuse the insta stab which deals a ton of damage, or just outspam you, since once again the 2h class has the fastest animations ( yeah, even faster from the polearm over head)
In the past the 4d polearm class has suffered a lot of huge nerfs :
- Polestun
- Small stun after each succesful hit
- Speed reduction
- Damage reduction
Are some of the prime examples of the nerfs the polearm class suffered, have you seen any polearmer whine about the nerfs? No, thats because we adopt, we don`t whine and threaten to change our class as soon as it gets nerfed, like the baby GTX did with tears in his eyes when the new GOOD stab was implemented, but it`s ok, as long as the 2hander master teenager race is happy, then the mod will be ok aswell, hell, I bet we will see an increase to the players again!
Nice move nerfing the HP of the heavy horses a bit, I bet the "dev" who thought of it said to himself "Hey, lancing is not shit enough with the angle restriction and the fact that you need 2 and sometimes 3 stabs with a lance to kill an archer with very light year, better fucke their horses up aswell, AND BUFF RANGED SO THEY CAN KILL HORSES WITH THEIR 180 TURN FROM A DISTANCE", really really genius indeed!
And for fuck sake, do something about the fucking throwing lances, can`t you see that they are very overpowered?
Infinite ammo
Hideous melee speed
Hideous melee damage
I though I have seen it all with Tydouche, I guess I was wrong.