I would put this in the feedback forum but I doubt most people would see it before it is too late.
Right now, people are able to use 300 length polearms while jumping, spinning, and all kinds of other fuckery to get around blocks and whatnot. Pikes and long spears, imo, are supposed to be support weapons. Not single target weapons of mass destruction. I personally think pikes/long spears should be only able to stab, and block, but given the same treatment of bows/xbows because come the fuck on, being able to jump and spin with a massive polearm while also being able to block is beyond broken. In a lot of cases I have seen, simply holding down block does not help because the absurd length of the pole + the angle they are able to reach while doing their ridiculous jump spin, it easily negates your block. I know I am not alone in this. This shit is not supposed to be a single target attack, and when it is, it is very fucking OP and stupid. Hur hur just down block does NOT WORK.