Here is a little guide on how to not invoke the wrath of knightmare/mure
1. Do not interact with him while he is fighting this will result in him TW/TK'ing you
2. Do not nudge him this will result in him Raging/tw'ing you.
3. Do play your best at all times and do not let him down by death this will result in Trolling/Raging
4. Do not Stand behind him at all...EVER!! this is important cause he is a platecrutching mauler of some kind this will result in him TW/TK'ing you.
5. Do not call him out at any point this result in a unrelenting hurricane of abuse..Becuse mad.
Follow this 5 simple rules to enjoy our NA_1 & Strat experience, Else he will Ruin your day and/or Ass.