lavender town: Never got scared of the song when I was a kid, I think it´s mostly the stories around the song?
Rake looks...interesting, but singleplayer looks a bit poopy. How´s the multiplayer? I loved the "The Hidden" multiplayer, as long as people didn´t use the pig stick
my top five scary-wary games:
1. Silent Hill 1
2. Amnesia
3. Outlast
4. Nightmare House 2 (silly name, good game)
5. SCP-087-B (short but good)
"Dead Space" was also good, but less scary and more IN YOUR FACE horror and gore. "Clive Barker´s Undying" is also pretty old, but was quite fun. But old.
"System Shock 2" is super old but still got it thanks to the great music and the audio logs
oooh the audio logs. Especially the infected people who were about to mutate had really cool audio logs
@ Leshma: the lotr swamp was really dang good
Anyone got some good titles I could try? (for pc plz, got no consoles)