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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #120 on: September 19, 2015, 05:03:05 am »
I always liked Arowaine's voice and everyone always followed his orders.  8-)

Hands down my favorite commander to fight under. #bestbattledad

Shout-out to Aldo #2 battledad

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2015, 05:46:53 pm »
What you guys really need to do is contact this guy for strat battles...

How much he want, he has pro tactics when wiping his ass.

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2015, 10:53:33 pm »
esporters u forgot
if u got 10 ps u have skill

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #123 on: September 20, 2015, 09:33:21 am »
I always thought you were pretty punk rock, Plumbo, but I don't know about that anymore.

On a another note, if you're performing well, there's really no reason to listen to the commander. Like, you don't need battle dad, you're doing fine.

I hate battle dad.

I think the point being made is that's it's just not about one person's KD. Reguardless of whether your KD is doing fine or not, if your in there fighting well with the team and helping the team accomplish its objectives, your not just helping your KD but everyone else.  It's  just  a difference in play style and mentality.
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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2015, 09:20:04 pm »
I do miss the gobblin battles. You know your commander is a real man when he orders the entire team to dance in front of the enemy castle.

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #125 on: September 20, 2015, 11:29:55 pm »
I think the point being made is that's it's just not about one person's KD. Reguardless of whether your KD is doing fine or not, if your in there fighting well with the team and helping the team accomplish its objectives, your not just helping your KD but everyone else.  It's  just  a difference in play style and mentality.

That's a nice way of looking at it, but the simple fact is that high performers win battles. Folks who go negative or even are really just meat puppets, filler to keep the top players from being overwhelmed.

Posted this in another thread, sums up my view on this topic.

There's really not much the engine allows in terms of tactics other than blobbing together, even if you can get everyone properly coordinated. Strat will always boil down to team deathmatch. The only commands that should be issued is telling people to group up, where to move to, what to target, and telling dumbasses with no awareness when they're overwhelmed and should fall back. That last one is the real problem when it comes to losing battles.

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #126 on: September 21, 2015, 05:20:23 am »
That's a nice way of looking at it, but the simple fact is that high performers win battles. Folks who go negative or even are really just meat puppets, filler to keep the top players from being overwhelmed.

Posted this in another thread, sums up my view on this topic.

Pretty much correct.

When I was a gayer nerd than I am now, I would have preferred a man going 3:1 (and not as some shit-dick arb even though those are useful) by not listening to a thing I say than a man going 1:1 heeding my commands like they'd result in a nice dick-tug after the battle.

The only downside to this is they can encourage less-skilled players to follow in their footsteps. They see homeboy pulverising faces and having a good ole' time, and they wanna do that, too! That's where the REAL nerd-herding comes in. Convincing the rank-and-file that they can't possibly even think of doing what some super high-quality merc can do.

A downright mediocre player CAN be extraordinarily useful in a strat battle, if they're in the specific roles of engineer (and you actually need people with a couple brain cells to rub together for this, not just some cunt throwing wood at other wood, fun as that sounds) or equipment box guard. Only time a forward spawn guard was really needed full-time was on the other side because crazy motherfuckers like Internet Explorer would spend 95 percent of his time raising nerds' blood pressure by fucking with the forward spawn and archers.

I wonder if I'd try and do any sort of strat stuff again if the population and demographics were very similar to my favorite parts of strat 4. As it stands, it certainly ain't worth it anymore. I had fun with it.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline StonedSteel

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #127 on: September 21, 2015, 06:56:03 pm »
TLDR: if u think killers are all that matter and organization and planning and tactics are are probably a NA player..IE, DUMB AS FUCK.

no. no No NO! godammit u na fucking kids are soo fucking dumb and wrong all the fucking time , like seriously how can u be so fuckin--

oh hi Sandy! how are you? you gud? thats gud. we should drink sometime, whats times gud 4 u?

now that ive expressed my homoerotic love for sandy its time to deal with the rest of u...fucks

RIGHT: 2 kinds of strat chars, vets and noobs, for the educational purpose of this conversation we will refer to the two groups as killers and fodder, and yes both are EQUALLY important.

the objective is to kill more tickets than your enemy or drop flags, youd think you would want ONLY killers, you would be wrong.

i am a killer myself, but knowing how important fodder is, i keep my ears open and fallow orders accordingly...okay, maybe not exactly to the tee as i know wot to do to win now. ie, when people are asked to charge up stairs i typically hold stairs, as i know im much more useful getting massive kills then playing the role of fodder.

without the fodder however i never would have made it to the stairs in the first place...killers go through the breaches, made by fodder, killers flank the lines that are made by fodder, and fodder dont make these lines themselves...they are asked to make it by a commander who sees the situation and adjusts accordingly.

idc how fucking good u think u are, u are nothing without ur teammates and ur teamates are nothing without solid direction and orders...if i was that good i would charge breach alone...i dont cuz im not retarded, i wait for fodder to group up, and i get my kills AROUND the fodder.

at the end of the day, killers get the most kills ya...but they wouldnt get all those kills without the rest of the team setting them up.

this is where the great divide comes in mentality wise...if you have never fought for acre, give it a try. personally i found it confusing, multiple people giving multiple commands, most of the time not very sure of what they are didnt matter how good of a killer i was, the commanders were directing the fodder all over the place, and i cannot fight 1vs5's and win everytime. i need some fodder with me. sure u can go solo and catch people unaware and get 12 kills from a good flank run....u wouldnt have caught those people unaware if they werent distracted by the fodder.

this is why i feel so bad for EU \ Blackbird to have to come here. i remember him laughing his ass off in TS, simply cuz i stopped talking over him and said "sorry go ahead" it was maybe thee first time someone stopped talking over him to let him speak...thats how bad his NA mercs were at the start.

he may not remember but i knew him well before he came to NA...i fought for him multiple times defending sieges against the greys.

if u guys think organization, tactics, planning and fallowing orders is pointless, THAN CLEARLY U HAVE NEVER FOUGHT THE GREYS\DRZ

they charge up as one group, 2 groups break off and attack the back and side, while one stays and builds. by the time the back is safe, the group going back is now going on the other side, and the group that was on the side, is now going front, by the time defenders deal with them, the attackers are already going up ladders in another spot...end result is u are so distracted by constantly having to shift players over to the left or back..or wherever they are distracted you didnt even notice siege tower had gone u are desperately trying to get a mass group to deal with tower...all the while they are pouring up the now undefended back or side. as u had to pull troops from those spots to deal with tower...lets say u clear tower...then then u have to clear back and sides again...all the while they are working on another tower.

CONSTANT ADAPTATION BY BOTH SIDES. thats how the fuck it should be played, why MOST EU players get and understand this...while only a handful of NA ones do, ill never understand.

( in na one groups goes...and then just fucking sits there, u have maybe a handful of volunteers go around back, always the same how can u build anything? your enemies are shooting the shit outta u camping at the front, and waiting for u at the exact same spot u laddered up last time...its soo dumb...y, fucking tell me y NA has to be so dumb? )

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #128 on: September 21, 2015, 07:11:51 pm »
do I have to read that?

Offline bruttus

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #129 on: September 21, 2015, 07:52:20 pm »
TLDR: if u think killers are all that matter and organization and planning and tactics are are probably a NA player..IE, DUMB AS FUCK.

no. no No NO! godammit u na fucking kids are soo fucking dumb and wrong all the fucking time , like seriously how can u be so fuckin--

oh hi Sandy! how are you? you gud? thats gud. we should drink sometime, whats times gud 4 u?

now that ive expressed my homoerotic love for sandy its time to deal with the rest of u...fucks

RIGHT: 2 kinds of strat chars, vets and noobs, for the educational purpose of this conversation we will refer to the two groups as killers and fodder, and yes both are EQUALLY important.

the objective is to kill more tickets than your enemy or drop flags, youd think you would want ONLY killers, you would be wrong.

i am a killer myself, but knowing how important fodder is, i keep my ears open and fallow orders accordingly...okay, maybe not exactly to the tee as i know wot to do to win now. ie, when people are asked to charge up stairs i typically hold stairs, as i know im much more useful getting massive kills then playing the role of fodder.

without the fodder however i never would have made it to the stairs in the first place...killers go through the breaches, made by fodder, killers flank the lines that are made by fodder, and fodder dont make these lines themselves...they are asked to make it by a commander who sees the situation and adjusts accordingly.

idc how fucking good u think u are, u are nothing without ur teammates and ur teamates are nothing without solid direction and orders...if i was that good i would charge breach alone...i dont cuz im not retarded, i wait for fodder to group up, and i get my kills AROUND the fodder.

at the end of the day, killers get the most kills ya...but they wouldnt get all those kills without the rest of the team setting them up.

this is where the great divide comes in mentality wise...if you have never fought for acre, give it a try. personally i found it confusing, multiple people giving multiple commands, most of the time not very sure of what they are didnt matter how good of a killer i was, the commanders were directing the fodder all over the place, and i cannot fight 1vs5's and win everytime. i need some fodder with me. sure u can go solo and catch people unaware and get 12 kills from a good flank run....u wouldnt have caught those people unaware if they werent distracted by the fodder.

this is why i feel so bad for EU \ Blackbird to have to come here. i remember him laughing his ass off in TS, simply cuz i stopped talking over him and said "sorry go ahead" it was maybe thee first time someone stopped talking over him to let him speak...thats how bad his NA mercs were at the start.

he may not remember but i knew him well before he came to NA...i fought for him multiple times defending sieges against the greys.

if u guys think organization, tactics, planning and fallowing orders is pointless, THAN CLEARLY U HAVE NEVER FOUGHT THE GREYS\DRZ

they charge up as one group, 2 groups break off and attack the back and side, while one stays and builds. by the time the back is safe, the group going back is now going on the other side, and the group that was on the side, is now going front, by the time defenders deal with them, the attackers are already going up ladders in another spot...end result is u are so distracted by constantly having to shift players over to the left or back..or wherever they are distracted you didnt even notice siege tower had gone u are desperately trying to get a mass group to deal with tower...all the while they are pouring up the now undefended back or side. as u had to pull troops from those spots to deal with tower...lets say u clear tower...then then u have to clear back and sides again...all the while they are working on another tower.

CONSTANT ADAPTATION BY BOTH SIDES. thats how the fuck it should be played, why MOST EU players get and understand this...while only a handful of NA ones do, ill never understand.

( in na one groups goes...and then just fucking sits there, u have maybe a handful of volunteers go around back, always the same how can u build anything? your enemies are shooting the shit outta u camping at the front, and waiting for u at the exact same spot u laddered up last time...its soo dumb...y, fucking tell me y NA has to be so dumb? )

On this I have to agree with you.
But if I may say something.
In the past strat's versions, EU Always attacked NA.
NA pushed after a though war, EU back to his borders.

But I have to agree with you on this
Many great Commanders left strat, some came back, like Kesh, others not.
So its hard to get the same loyalty as excample Kesh, to command a strat battle/siege

With Acre, I have understand that sometimes the person that is leading the army, is also the person that commands the strat fight, not Always, but it happens.
You never know that there is a new Kesh under the new people.

But also, I don't know how it is in EU, but when I was in HoC, we where famoust about the shieldwall. That was reputation that many NA clans held in regard
When they saw an HoC shieldwall, the enemy knew that it would be a hard fight.
Then you had clans that specialized in in Cav, if i'm not wrong, that was the Bridgeburners in the past.
Other clans where specialised in infantry tactics or ranged.
That was the old NA, the New NA, doesn't has that, they just charge in, in the hope to get kills.
The only clan that I see to do these things, are the Godfreys. They try to bring in the shieldwall, mostly they faill, but they keep trying, and I respect that.

But that is mine homble opinion.

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #130 on: September 21, 2015, 08:11:18 pm »
do I have to read that?

Offline StonedSteel

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #131 on: September 21, 2015, 11:32:37 pm »
do I have to read that?

FFS yes, goddamn lazy fucking beer guzzling mutherfucker, ffs take 2 mins out of ur life to do something other than eating sausage and drinking beer, i did my part and said good honest things about u lad, now do ur part and fucking read the shit. come you cant get sauerkraut in the summer?, i fucking expected it to be yr rnd, but noooo, u fuckers made one of your most infamous creations fucking seasonal. damn

i like your highways though, murica could learn a thing or two from the autobahn.

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #132 on: September 21, 2015, 11:36:46 pm »
well, just saying to make u jelaous :D

The first time I drove 200 km/h was with 16 :D

240 with 18 :D

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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #133 on: September 21, 2015, 11:40:15 pm »
well, just saying to make u jelaous :D

The first time I drove 200 km/h was with 16 :D

240 with 18 :D


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Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« Reply #134 on: September 21, 2015, 11:43:38 pm »
lol. I ate it 2 days ago :o

Btw Plumbo, were u there when we got fucked by DRZ like 5 sieges in a row and my  unbeatable gay motherfucking badass tactic made us win the siege every time? :D