
 Refugees "flooding" Europe are (2 votes max)

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Author Topic: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!  (Read 105089 times)

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1200 on: December 02, 2015, 02:11:10 am »

Yeah I don't see this article publicized. Saw this on Reddit, not sure how legit this news site is. Sickening stuff if true.
It was publicized, but that's like six months old. There's news about refugees raping all the time, even though the mainstream media is trying to hush hush it as best they can. Lots more reports on the "alternative" news sites.

But you know what, I have little sympathy for the victim. A big reason all of this is happening is that there's this class of women who are professional "understanders" of refugees and their crimes. I'm sure that girl would've preached in the same Facebook groups as the other retards about how wrong "racism" is and how "Finns rape more than immigrants!"
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Offline Grytviken

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1201 on: December 02, 2015, 02:23:56 am »
It was publicized, but that's like six months old. There's news about refugees raping all the time, even though the mainstream media is trying to hush hush it as best they can. Lots more reports on the "alternative" news sites.

But you know what, I have little sympathy for the victim. A big reason all of this is happening is that there's this class of women who are professional "understanders" of refugees and their crimes. I'm sure that girl would've preached in the same Facebook groups as the other retards about how wrong "racism" is and how "Finns rape more than immigrants!"

 I mean if they dress slutty and go whoring around refugee camps what do they expect? Can't blame the refugees, they should be more culturally aware before they are given a proper chance to integrate. Hopefully they let that guy off on probation so he can get a fair shot in a non-racist country like Sweden.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 02:30:33 am by Grytviken »

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1202 on: December 02, 2015, 02:35:39 am »
After Paris everyone's been talking about the terrorism aspect, but that's nothing compared to the financial strain and the "lesser" crimes like sexual harassment, rapes and assaults.

Meanwhile the pro-immigration people think the fact that 2% of the population does one third of the rapes proves that native men are worse than immigrants. It's just a coincidence that the African and ME immigrants rape 20x more.
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1203 on: December 02, 2015, 04:16:48 am »
But you know what, I have little sympathy for the victim. A big reason all of this is happening is that there's this class of women who are professional "understanders" of refugees and their crimes. I'm sure that girl would've preached in the same Facebook groups as the other retards about how wrong "racism" is and how "Finns rape more than immigrants!"

She didn't understand anything. If she did, leaving that dude wouldn't be an option. Because that doesn't happen often in environment he's coming from.

Problem lies between people who believe they can change those who are too dumb to figure some things on their own. Portion of people gets it, they can break the chains traditional society put on them. Many of them are living in those places and wishing they could change their reality for the better. But majority, as always, is stupid.

Westerners are stupid as well, just differently. Girl who was killed is fine example. Raised in over-protected environment, naive and living with a belief that freedom is something she gained by birth and not what people surrounding her and their ancestors fought for. Something she had to fight for and not take it for granted, which eventually led to her demise. Blame lies on society as well, but first and foremost take care of yourself and then you can expect others to help you with that. According to each own abilities, of course.

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1204 on: December 02, 2015, 04:43:15 am »
Westerners are stupid as well, just differentlye.

Too much Leshma, take those words back. Oberyn was right, failure hates the truth, as this poll shows.

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« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 04:46:17 am by Grytviken »

Offline Xant

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1205 on: December 02, 2015, 04:48:42 am »

Girl who was killed is fine example. Raised in over-protected environment, naive and living with a belief that freedom is something she gained by birth and not what people surrounding her and their ancestors fought for. Something she had to fight for and not take it for granted
The problem with most feminists is that they don't understand this.

For some arcane reason feminists are very pro-immigration and Islam, and they hate "the white man" -- when they wouldn't have any of their rights if it wasn't "for the white man."
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1206 on: December 02, 2015, 07:35:25 am »
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1207 on: December 02, 2015, 08:50:06 am »
The problem with most feminists is that they don't understand this.

For some arcane reason feminists are very pro-immigration and Islam, and they hate "the white man" -- when they wouldn't have any of their rights if it wasn't "for the white man."
Not so sure about that, at least in France, feminist are most often islamophobic. Many Nothern African feminist left Femen because they consider it islamophobic. One of them said smth I like: "Here I am fighting for being able not to wear a veil but if I was in France, I would fight to be able to carry it"
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1208 on: December 02, 2015, 01:50:14 pm »
I was talking about the website in general but i'll answer the question anyways. It depends, there's alot of people I wouldn't trust, white, black or middle-eastern, the circumstances are much more important. I'm usually a good judge of character and first impressions matter to me, so if they are raping someone and then setting them on fire it might set off a red flag, not sure though.

Fucking racist, always blaming the rapist pyromaniac when they are not white.


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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1209 on: July 28, 2016, 08:58:36 pm »
Finnish sex crime stats from this year's January to June: 44% of rape suspects were foreigners, last year's number was 24%. Insane numbers considering how few of them Finland has, and considering the extremely strict criteria used for who's a foreigner and who's not.
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Offline Grytviken

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1210 on: July 28, 2016, 10:26:28 pm »
Finnish sex crime stats from this year's January to June: 44% of rape suspects were foreigners, last year's number was 24%. Insane numbers considering how few of them Finland has, and considering the extremely strict criteria used for who's a foreigner and who's not.

Maybe if more women willingly slept with the refugees this wouldn't happen. This is probably the result of rampant uncontrolled racism in countries like Germany and Finland.

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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1211 on: July 30, 2016, 02:06:32 pm »
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1212 on: July 30, 2016, 04:35:40 pm »
Why does it say "by a partner or a non-partner"?
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1213 on: July 30, 2016, 10:15:50 pm »

This chart is very broad. Partner-non partner is an issue for me, if you want to prove emigrant harrasment this is certanly not the way to do it. Also physical abuse ranges from a push to a fist in the face, sexual abuse ranges from straight out rape to preforming sexual act in fear of what will happen if you don't. The latter sure sounds more like psycho boyfriend than an asylum seeker, while I don't disprove sexual abuse by emigrants, this is not the proof.

Few days ago a woman claiming was molested in Koln came forward and admited she lied and was not even in the city at that period. Why would you lie in this matter and give people reason to question your and others motives, or you did it on purpose so you would discredit the same attacks I have no idea what that woman is thinking.
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Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« Reply #1214 on: August 11, 2016, 05:38:14 pm »
You realize it is all bullshit? The shadowhand planned all of this down to the wars that sent the refugees to the EU and the media companies that keep you all in fear.
People who are afraid are easy as shit to control.
Controlled people buy what you tell them to.
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