Ok, ignoring the absolutely hilarious claim that Chechnya isn't a theocratic islamic shithole and the source of so many international jihadists, not to mention a bunch of terrorist attacks on russian soil, it supposedly wouldn't be a problem for Russia because you can just send them off to remote inner deserted land and deport them at a moment's notice, whenever the fuck you feel like it. Well congrats, I'm glad for you you live in a totalitarian dictatorship with ridiculously large, empty amounts of land and unexploited resources. Here the most likely course of action is that many will live in the same shadow status that tens of thousands of other illegal immigrants already live in, mostly concentrated in densely populated urban areas, until some bleeding heart retards muster enough support through emotional appeals to simply naturalize them, since anything else would be barbaric racism akin to a chocolate chip cookie purge, especially since by then there will be children born on the soil which is enough for automatic citizenship in many european countries, and once the child is a citizen the immediate and sometimes even extended family have a foot in the door as well. "Think of the children" is a meme for a reason.