Just to make it clear we(Kalmar) were allied to acre earlier this strat. We got wiped on eu by drz and came to na to make a new start. We had New Shulus and were trading with acre, but as we got attacked by Squids for doing that as they were at war. Acre told us that they were the best and that the enemy sucked but we soon figured out that it was not true at all. The enemy roster quality was always much better than ours but we were still able to win most of the battles(cause eu op). On the map thing Acre and their allies didn't do much better they are unable to do trading in a decent way, all their fiefs had the same shitty gear loomed to +1 and like 5% discount and one of our allies had 10k troops or something but only gear for like 1k. After reking squids Kesh decided we were no longer welcome on na so he kicked us back to eu with gear he got from a failed Grey order assault. This was great gear almost plate and so on while the rest of na still only had mail. He did such a great job on the forum making it an eu vs na war that even some of our allies fought against us
. After that Kesh went on to wipe two other eu factions on na, he even ended up with more troops than what he started with as he flag capped us in every battle. That is how you beat eu, by attacking them and rally all of na behind you. Not by sitting in your castle and crying that the game is unfair.
James says we backstabbed him because he still saw us as allies even though he and some other acre fought against us in some sieges by Grey order...
tl;dr: When James allies eu it is okay but if someone else dose it SHAME ON YOU! Also James is a failed wannabe Kesh