so we noticed in this post:
6 weeks of lies. EU sucks? Well that's probably y u chose to fight with them in the past.
James calls his own faction weak. He is not even able to answer an normal question and now he is mad as fuck.
EU vs NA? It is actually not EU vs NA due to the fact that Kalmars lost all of their troops
IT IS GERMANY WHO RAPES U. not even that cuz there is another german faction with 8K troops in EU but when they tried to come here they failed hard.
oh and it's not even NA. It is USA and canada.
And the funniest:
If you guys are in good mood, u write that we will never beat u, that u are great and that everything else but usa sucks.
When u are in a bad mood u write that EU is soooo stronk and u have no chance and we are fucking pussies TO ATTACK THE BIGGEST FACTION ON THE NA MAP (40 %) AND BRING IT DOWN TO 6 % IN 6 WEEKS
You lost about 45 k troops since we joined the party. You really proud of that? You are defending and we lost about 8-9 K cuz of the bug and still our kd in this war is damn great.