Author Topic: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)  (Read 14862 times)

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Offline AxeAxe

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How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:11:35 pm »
Hi Guys!
I wonder if you could help me find the best build / weapon/ playstyle. I'm new to cRPG, not new to M&B. I want to use melee weapons.

I've tried different combos and equipment (1h+shield,2h - sword, 2h - polearm) and so far I found that I can block effectively both with and wihout shield. I can withstand 20-30 seconds against decent players without a shield, but what the problem is - I  can't attack/counterattack. Once I try to attack - I'm dead in a few seconds. Either enemies block my hit's or I don't reach them with a weapon, than they counter-attack and I'm not able to put block in time.

Perhaps you could advise the best weapon/playstyle to learn to land some hits?

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 07:21:09 pm »
change your playstile. Stay with some good players. let them ocupy the enemies attention. go in land a hit and go out of range again.
 If you find yourselve in a 1vs1 situation retreat while blocking untill someone helps.
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Offline AxeAxe

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2015, 11:13:36 pm »
Thank you! Following other players makes me useful to the team and gives more chances to survive until the end of the round. However, I don't master my skill since I hit and run. Can I do something to master attack skills in 1v1 fights? Maybe it's easier to land hits with high speed or high length weapons? Or should I try vice versa and get massive damage weapon and try to get "1 lucky random hit"?

P.S. Your tactic really works:) By the way, one more noob question - what is the best 2h weapon? or at least what is the logic here? Do hybrin (throwing+melee or xbow+melee) work or it's not really good?

PP.SS. What is the chivarly role in the game? Everyone I saw were just solo players trying to coach single target standing outside of main fight or charging alone into a lot of enemies and simply dying.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 11:36:08 pm by AxeAxe »

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 12:59:55 am »
What is the chivarly role in the game?
as a footsoldier, stick to the team and help them as good as possible

as an archer/crossbowman/thrower, other ranged classes and/or cav are the primary target, then target footsoldiers

as cav, wait until the enemy is in a fight and attack him from behind/bump him, save teammates by bumping enemies

Do hybrin (throwing+melee or xbow+melee) work or it's not really good?
hybrids work well, as long as you only mix up two classes (for example a shielder/thrower or 2h/pole cav), a mixture of three or more classes mostly ends up in being sorta okay in a lot of disciplines but not really getting any kills in the end

what is the best 2h weapon?
phew, that´s a hard could try out longswords/bastard swords if you´re into speed or greatswords if you´re into slow, ranged attacks. Any 2h here that can give me a hand with this question? I´m mostly a xbow :x

In general, I would make myself a Skip-the-Fun-character and try out different builds. You gotta find out with which class or build you´re most comfortable with, then I´d go for leveling the main char :)
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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 02:37:17 pm »
I'd probably give the Swiss Longsword or the Flambard the Award for best 2hander if I had to pick one. I prefer the Danish Greatsword personally, it's quite slow but with great range and damage.

Paying attention to the range of your weapon and doing hold attacks is a good way to never miss a swing, remember to keep calm and observe your opponents actions so you dont get spamed.

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2015, 10:44:49 pm »
Thanks guys!

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2015, 11:09:43 pm »
I prefere Claymore, decent speed and very strong swing damage.

As already said, stay with the team as long as possible, dont solo-rush, dont stop running (easy target for ranged) and try to play as "a helpful hand" for both surviving and kills/score.

Also, atm I play a STR based Tincan + Great Maul on Eu1, as long as you stay with the group you can be extremly helpfull because Great Mauls can crush through up-blocks/shields. You can tank a lot hits and have good chances to get kills. If you have at least basic blocking skills I would give this class a try.
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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2015, 12:39:14 am »
You wanna become a good player?
I can tell you what I did to become a "good" player.


Watched better players than me what they are doing.

After every death I asked myself what I did wrong, especially as cav this is so damn fucking important. Doing a mistake once is okay, doing it twice is retarded.

Tryhard. fucking tryhard. There are better players than u, and they are trying to fight u? TRY IT! DON'T BACKPEDAL AND BLOCK. TRY IT! U gotta get some balls before u are actually sucessfull in this game, cuz when you are finally able to block against like 2 ppl the same time and u can handle a gank of 3 u are good and u will like the game even more. It's worth the invested time.

U don't learn by running and surviving. FUCKING DIE. As often as possible. You got 2 hp? When you are finally good and u know u are dead after a glance of a stick and u have to fight 2 at the same time, and u do it, it feels better than everything else!

For ur build and ur weapon.

U like the style of a weapon/armor/whatever?

Buy it. A 60 dmg is not as good as a 30 dmg weapon when u feel good with it.
The first thing of becoming better is getting a nice sytle, ur own style. If u feel good, u play good.

Me for example. I can't really block when I'm not in plate, but when I am I do block like a cheater.

Notice the little things, and play with better players. Get a clan or something, or a friend. Playing with ppl you like will make things even easier.

And at the point the game is not fun for u anymore stop it for like 20 minutes and come back again. Don't GTX, It will destroy u at one point. I went through a big rage period also xD.

So now how you will fight better is:

Get a skip the fun and go on duel. Get a danish gs and than start duels. Start with a 24 21 build.

Than u will see what u need. You are too weak, you are too slow? You wanna be moving faster, but you're fine with ur hit speed?

Change ur build and armor when u feel you need something else. If you think that 124 range is actually not needed or even too much, change it.

Find your own way. Nobody can actually teach you how to become a good player without investing atleast 10 hours :D

Try hard, if it doesn't work, try harder. If that doesn't work join krems.

Edit: I almost forgot my most important rule as newby: Never show the enemy that u are afraid/worse than him.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 12:52:38 am by BlackxBird »

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2015, 02:54:32 am »
Just a couple of tips for fighting one on one:

- Dont back away from the enemy, try to stay within his reach, otherwise you will miscalculate his reach and get hit. Also backing away doesnt do you any good so instead, try to circle the enemy, always strafe to left or right

- Try to be faced forwards to the enemy all the time

- Block until you hear the damn swords colliding! Pay attention to it, most people fall for hold attacks too easily

- Easiest way to get a hit through in the beginning is just holding your attack for a while before releasing it (see the previous tip) and while holding it, try to circle the enemy and make him uncomfortable (you can also wiggle your mouse abit at this point for more efficiency)

- After getting comfortable with the basics, start experimenting with the mechanics, throw your mouse around and switch directions until you find a nice feinting-pattern and then master it (you can watch some duelists to get the idea of what types of feints are effective)
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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2015, 03:38:54 am »
Turn into your swings; hit connects faster.

Look at the ground and turn into your swings; look like a spaz, but hit even faster because of the angle created by looking at ground (amiright?). e.g. abuse mechanics.
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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2015, 07:18:45 am »
Just a couple of tips for fighting one on one:

- Dont back away from the enemy, try to stay within his reach, otherwise you will miscalculate his reach and get hit. Also backing away doesnt do you any good so instead, try to circle the enemy, always strafe to left or right

- Try to be faced forwards to the enemy all the time

- Block until you hear the damn swords colliding! Pay attention to it, most people fall for hold attacks too easily

- Easiest way to get a hit through in the beginning is just holding your attack for a while before releasing it (see the previous tip) and while holding it, try to circle the enemy and make him uncomfortable (you can also wiggle your mouse abit at this point for more efficiency)

- After getting comfortable with the basics, start experimenting with the mechanics, throw your mouse around and switch directions until you find a nice feinting-pattern and then master it (you can watch some duelists to get the idea of what types of feints are effective)

oh spamwhore, just give him ur macros, mine look worse than urs and we both know he won't tell anybody... :PP

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2015, 08:03:14 am »
oh spamwhore, just give him ur macros, mine look worse than urs and we both know he won't tell anybody... :PP

yeh, make a dropbox-folder, spamwhore  :mrgreen:
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Offline AxeAxe

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2015, 04:32:21 pm »
Thanks guys, very useful! And what is the purpose of secondary mode in swords, making them polearms? Should I stick to str or agi build in the beginning?

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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2015, 04:43:45 pm »
If you use STR builds with a lot of heavy armor you will be slow in running speed and also weapon speed, but I prefere this class because you tank a lot more hits and you obviously do a lot more dmg each hit, I seriously eat arrows and most throwing weapons for breakfast.

I like agi builds for 1h + shield with medium-light armor, as agi based 2h/pole I would use medium armor, its just no fun if you loose 50% health with 1 arrow (with light/cloth armor).

2handers switching to polearms can be good for stabbing, most 2handers in polearm mode have far stronger stab damage (only effective with polearm wpf) AND you can stop cavalry but I never really use it and stick to the 2hander mode.

If you go for a 2h/pole class I would stick to STR tincan in the beginning with a lot iron flesh. You just dont die within 2 arrows and as long as you stay with the group you can be a decent helpful hand, great maul/long maul in a group is the literally greatest thing in this game imo. great fun
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Re: How to learn to attack and not to die ?:)
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2015, 05:47:50 pm »
To give you an idea of actual damage you are outputting.

24 STR is weak in this game.  With less than 44 cut you will glance on people with greater than 62 Armor (unless hitting them in the head or toes (not legs))
Meaning you will maybe do 1-4 dmg.   Weapon Weight plays a factor in the calculation.  If you have 21 or less Str you should consider using weapons with pierce or blunt.

I've been playing for a year, and ive gotten decent... not good, not great... but decent.

Your strongest weapon is your Mind.  Holding your strikes until in range for longer weapons will get you most kills in gank situations. Following teammates and waiting to step around and overhead enemies after they attack ur teammates can get some e-z kills.

Don't chase enemies, or run straight towards the battle. Most veteran players can assess whether their team will be able to win a round in the first 30 seconds. Some maps are gonna be stacked, recognize that and find the best way to capitalize. 

Keep a fair distance behind zerging teammates.    Take a second when you die to take a look at someones name, recognize the people who get the best scores and get an idea of their playstyle, because defeating different fightstyles requires you employ different tactics in most cases.

There are alot of things you can do right or wrong, and the situation can go from good to shit with a few small mistakes.
Most hits you will score on the "people who try" will occur after you block them and quick strike back.  Alot of really good weapons arent good for beating people 1v1.

For polearm my fav 1v1 weapons are the Bec De Corbin, for 2hander I like the 'Two Handed Sword'.
Some players thou are just gonna hands down beat you, they are able to setup kicks or out Spam/Chamber(strike in the same direction as you at the same time leaving you open to be hit).

Ultimately my recommendation, if you really wanna make an impact on the battlefield this early on in your soldiering career. 
Shoot for 27 Str-18 Agi and use a Morningstar for a couple Generations.   9 PS - 6 Ath - 6 WM - 3IF  155 2h-wpf
Use one of the of the most expensive helmets, Plate Armor above 50, Mid-Heavy Gloves and something in the Mail Boots range.
And if you chase/run towards enemies, be ready to block first then attack.
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