well there is one problem. The brotherhood is a faction, no mercenaries clan. A merc clan has not that many fiefs, maybe one castle or sth. And when you say no war - no allies - no politics. And that's what destroies that game actually, when there is a big faction camping, getting more troops and players than anyone else, and than start war. But well, I'll see what you guys do^^ u probably got a plan, actually I'm pretty curious of what you will do^^
bro...wtf, have u not noticed yet? THIS IS NA! camping \ doing nothing, is what we do best bro. also, wtf are u talking about "and then start a war" whoa, idk man, that sounds risky, i mean, even if u have the merc advantage, troop advantage, gear advantage, there is no advantage great enough to be worth the risk ( not in na anyway )
nah bro, lol, poor silly EU, thinking we play the game just like them, nah man, see, over there, massive factions use their advantages to rape everything.
over here in Na, they dont beat u to death, so much as they BORE you do death. both involve one side beating another into submission, but they are completely different ways about going about it.