Pilot whales aren't endangered. Just pointing that out cause I've seen a whole slew of articles on this subject, and some of them contain blatant lies. Personally I think unless you're a vegan you have no moral leg to stand on calling this "mass slaughter". There's more slaughter on any big fishing port daily, it's just kept safe from your precious dear eyes so you can go and buy pieces of fish wrapped in plastic and pretend it didn't come from a living, breathing creature.
Anyways, I think kids should have to kill, clean and eat at least a chicken once in their life, if they want to continue eating meat. Fish in general are too far removed from humans to elicit the sort of sympathy that entirely urban culture, completely separated from the necessities and realities of nature, combined with constant anthropomorphization of animals, creates for mammalian or at least warm blooded farm animals (Fish don't scream out in pain or panic when you pull them out of the water, bash their brains out with a handy blunt object, or just a concrete floor if that's all that's available, then slit them open to remove the guts)