Author Topic: Buff HA But...  (Read 2130 times)

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2015, 01:06:47 am »
The angle isn't the problem and never was the problem. if you take that from Horse archers you will have them just as useless as they are now. The way Horse archers have to play to get ANY kills is high risk; bumping and then shooting which does reward a lot of points but often times not many kills. So the class is "annoying" but hardly considered "effective"

The game's not really just about kills, you are not number one on the score board and don't get valor for getting them.  It's all about dps this is where valor, ranking high on the charts and multies comes from.
So, Kojiro after the san patch use to ride around randomly spraying people and was easily able to valor farm often topping the charts.
Having played every class in the game, HA is the lowest risk class in the game and the easiest.

angle restriction is unneeded; Horse archers already have a -20% speed -20% damage and limited ammo; they already get ran down by even much slower horses simply because even with high riding the speed penalty for using a bow is harsh enough for them to be caught and killed. Besides one can argue that the most effective spot for cav to attempt to lance was directly in front of them which is still allowed; where as the most effective location for an archer on horse back to shoot is behind them; if this angle restriction was set in stone they would lose their most effective spots being the sides and the back.

No, just like lance cav the most effective place to take the shot is going full speed dead ahead so they can take advantage of the speed bonus.  Horse Archers have over 30 shots

You also negate my argument: 
The simple fact is that Horse damage is all about the speed bonus and hit area.  When chasing a fleeing cav, generally only a lance is viable so even if he can reach him because the attacker has no speed bonus and probably a penalty the damage done to the HA horse is minimal, while the HA has full advantage of the speed bonus and the head of the horse which will be facing him.  This is why the arch is so important in cav battles. Having an arch will force the HA to actually engage the Cav, instead of an agonizing cat and mouse chase. 

In fact the speed penalty suffered by the HA will convert into added damage from the speed multi against the perusing horse.


The fact of the matter is with 7 riding I can out maneuver any other horse avoiding lances or swords on a donkey.  If I was shooting back I would never lose in this competition.  I mean just Ctrl-J if you don't know how to ride. Shouldn't this class require some skill to play?

Balancing the game according to what the people want is the most idiotic form of balance there could ever be. Besides that poll means nothing, 30% of that vote alone is targeted at one specific type of range which is throwers and I myself can not argue that throwers are fine currently they do need nerf in more ways than one. Looking even further into the bias of this poll it should be taken into consideration that cRPG has always been ANTI range. Also those 11 votes do matter if you are truly concerned with what the people want; trolls or not they play the game and their vote should be considered all the same. Following your logic of balancing the game according to what the 53% want.

So here you explain how you have no respect for the opinion of the majority of the community regarding balance, duh.  Then you point out the 30% thrower vote, which are the only class that can effectively kite and shoot, until HA is buffed.  A far as the give them run vote, their opinion is respected as saying that nothing should be nerfed or that they wanted to reply give them run. 

The point of grouping the range vote is that by buffing HA you increase the saturation of range damage from increased projectiles that will be taken over all, which obviously at least 53% of the of the people that voted don't want as they are expressing their desire to reduce some form of a particular ranges effectiveness, the end result is the reception of projectile damage.

You could make another poll and name it "buff what" and you will find that the numbers flip flop because people vote with only one person in mind, themselves and "nerf what" to the individual is "what class annoys me the most", not "What class is most deserving of a nerf."

The how do you explain the substantial give them run vote.


Finally, I base these opinions on actual experience of playing HA for months, including during San's HA nerf.

With 7pd, +3 Barbed Arrows, +3 Horn Bow the base damage after the 20% penalty is 31.776 with 36 arrows and he can still bring in a 2 slotted weapon.  If that HA is on a Champ Arab he can ride circles around anything and with that damage its not going to be more then 4-5 arrows (more for plated horses) and probably less because the attacking cav has to rush him so there is the speed multi.  The community does not want jerks riding around spraying 34 damage on average with no risk and kiting any possible melee threat.  Trollish is all that is.

Perhaps another alternative would be a 20% decrease to all horse stats for HA.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 02:55:38 am by JasonPastman »
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2015, 02:55:29 am »
I think you are taking this way out of proportion; lance angle works fine for melee cavalry but would destroy range cavalry making them less viable than a level 1 peasant.

you say that the most effective place for a Horse archer to shoot is straight ahead but you are dead wrong; that is the best way to get yourself killed. That lance cavalry you are going against is going to 1 shot if you if you miss - but for that risk you are taking you have to take that same risk at least 10 times to take down that one lancer.

Where as that one lancer is taking 0 risk in charging the horse archer.

if you are worried about horse archers simply valor farming then reduce their point gain rather than destroying the class completely.

-20% in all stats for horses on horse archers is ridiculous

Horse archers are far from the "lowest risk" and the "easiest" class in the game. 

I base my opinion on playing horse archery for over the course of 2 years (off and on) and yes I have no respect for the cRPG communities biased opinions on balance as you shouldn't have any respect for my opinions on balance but here we are debating in a thread that will have absolutely zero impact on future balance discussions.

Simply removing the damage cap will fix horse archery's current state of being extremely useless and afterwards it will be a semi viable class once again. There will always be people that want to nerf it without justification.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 02:59:54 am by Nightingale »

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2015, 03:46:42 am »
I think you are taking this way out of proportion; lance angle works fine for melee cavalry but would destroy range cavalry making them less viable than a level 1 peasant.
I base my opinion on playing horse archery for over the course of 2 years (off and on) and yes I have no respect for the cRPG communities biased opinions on balance as you shouldn't have any respect for my opinions on balance but here we are debating in a thread that will have absolutely zero impact on future balance discussions.

Desire, have you ever even been melee cav?  Because if you haven't played both and really every class you don't know what you are talking about which is what is sounds like.  And that last part about the disrespect, no wonder this community can be so shitty sometime.  I think our leaders ought to have a mutual respect with the community, I'd bet alot that had you and other of a similar opinion not only would this mod be in a better state and population, but MG:BG would have been kick started.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 03:59:18 am by JasonPastman »
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2015, 04:03:01 am »
Desire, have you ever even been melee cav?  Because if you haven't played both and really every class you don't know what you are talking about which is what is sounds like.  And that last part about the disrespect, no wonder this community can be so shitty sometime.  I think our leaders ought to have a mutual respect with the community, I'd bet alot that had you and other of a similar opinion not only would this mod be in a better state and population, but MG:BG would have been kick started.

I have played every class the same as you; melee cav its exceptionally easy to ignore horse archers and go about your business its when you get frustrated and play right into their hand that you become mindlessly baited into their game. I've played heavy 1h cav and extremely light lance cavalry and never once did I have any problems with any horse archers. I don't respect the communities balance decisions because this is where it has gotten us thus far why should it be respect.

I didn't and don't care about or of melee battlegrounds for donkey crew I hope it works out but I'm not interested.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 04:07:27 am by Nightingale »

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2015, 04:08:25 am »
I have played every class the same as you; melee cav its exceptionally easy to ignore horse archers and go about your business its when you get frustrated and play right into their hand that you become mindlessly baited into their game. I've played heavy 1h cav and extremely light lance cavalry and never once did I have any problems with any horse archers.

Uh, see for me, thay would follow me around the map keeping their distance and shooting at me until I was dismounted forcing me to hang out by spawn near our range the whole round making any sort of light or even medium cav unplayable, then if I brought in a heavy horse they would still do the same this time farming me for valor and they were not chargeable, always able to outrun me.

I don't know why you were never targeted, I guess they never perceived you as a threat.  Infact I've never seen you at the top or near the top of the boards.  I remember you playing Scilla, riding around with a ton of riding with that great lance on ur courser, a troll build, but that was years ago, how can you comment on the current balance if you haven't played it competitively.  The experience is completely different when you play competitively people react to you differently as do you to them, this is when the game truly become the great mod it is to us, this is how I've treated all the classes, and without that experience, you really don't even know what this game is really about, you haven't c-rpged.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 04:41:58 am by JasonPastman »
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2015, 04:56:10 am »
Uh, see for me, thay would follow me around the map keeping their distance and shooting at me until I was dismounted forcing me to hang out by spawn near our range the whole round making any sort of light or even medium cav unplayable, then if I brought in a heavy horse they would still do the same this time farming me for valor and they were not chargeable, always able to outrun me.

I don't know why you were never targeted, I guess they never perceived you as a threat.  Infact I've never seen you at the top or near the top of the boards.  The experience is completely different when you play competitively people react to you differently as do you to them, this is how I've treated all the classes, and without that experience, you really don't even know what this game is really about, you haven't c-rpged.

Well I stopped trying about a year before you got decent at the game. Just before tydeus started to ruin the game in general. To be honest before recently my only knowledge of you was that you gave admins trouble and stalked a player irl and that you were to be watched when present in the server. You have either no knowledge of what my alts are or simply never seen me topping the boards because you must of started playing after I quit playing battle/siege. I'm not saying I'm great or even good but I've definitely topped the boards my fair share in c-RPG history. But you are right I don't play this game competitively anymore, in my opinion, it's current state is too broken to be considered a "competitive" game.

To say I don't really know what this game is about and that I haven't played it is just 100% wrong.

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2015, 04:58:14 am »
Well I stopped trying about a year before you got decent at the game. Just before tydeus started to ruin the game in general. To be honest before recently my only knowledge of you was that you gave admins trouble and stalked a player irl and that you were to be watched when present in the server. You have either no knowledge of what my alts are or simply never seen me topping the boards because you must of started playing after I quit playing battle/siege. I'm not saying I'm great or even good but I've definitely topped the boards my fair share in c-RPG history. But you are right I don't play this game competitively anymore, in my opinion its current state is to broken to be considered a "competitive" game.

To say I don't really know what this game is about and that I haven't played it is just 100% wrong.

Well, you can see my first ban date if you click on my profile, why else register on the forums, lol.  My point is if you aren't trying you haven't experienced the limits of the current classes, for a year now.

And, your prior knowledge of me goes back to the previous point that we should stop shitting on each other, cuz well there you go, thing is all or most those people that said those things about me and trolled me, not that I was an angel, are long gone.  I would love it if you would be part of the community, you know, the actual in game community, instead of from my perspective, admining from the shadows.

I think the balance is quite good now, I have alotta fun, come join us for real.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 05:04:35 am by JasonPastman »
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2015, 05:04:31 am »
Why try playing a game that I simply can not enjoy outside of Strategus? I know where I think balance was the best and that is the state of the game in which I'll try again if we ever get back to that state... which is kinda the polar opposite of what it is now. Either way I've made it clear that i disagree with this and any further discussion will simply derail your thread and result in you belittling me based on my most recent activity (which is a joke in of itself.)

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2015, 05:08:04 am »
So, i was editing while u were posting, but I agree my favorite balance was in 2011, but it feels good right now, I really hope you give it a try.

And as far as derailing anything, lol, I'm pretty sure nothing Ive ever said on here has made any difference to what you guys with the colored bars above your picture do, so yea...
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2015, 05:12:31 am »
So, i was editing while u were posting, but I agree my favorite balance was in 2011, but it feels good right now, I really hope you give it a try.

And as far as derailing anything, lol, I'm pretty sure nothing Ive ever said on here has made any difference to what you guys with the colored bars above your picture do, so yea...

As I've said in this thread anything we discuss here will probably never make any sort of impact on balance discussion (The balancing community is much much smaller than you would probably like to believe and admins are not part of said group.)

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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2015, 05:19:25 am »
As I've said in this thread anything we discuss here will probably never make any sort of impact on balance discussion (The balancing community is much much smaller than you would probably like to believe and admins are not part of said group.)

Yea, I know, lol.
If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure - James Madison
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2015, 09:54:39 pm »
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Re: Buff HA But...
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2015, 12:21:58 am »
Remove the 15 dmg caps !