I think I've already said this, but it's worth repeating here: the generation bonus for XP is too much. I've heard of people who, before this patch, were generation 14 or 15. They probably had time for another 1 or 2 retirements since then. I've been playing this mod since August. Think about it: in another five months these retire-maniacs, getting two and a half or three times the XP of everyone else, will have ground their way back up to level 34 and be pwning again - they won't have 250wpf this time, but instead they'll be smashing eveyone to a pulp with PS9 or running round enemies with Athletics 9 or breaking the sound barrier on their coursers with Riding 9 or something. Worse, the people who've had lots of retirements were able to retire under the pre-patch rules at level 15, whereas anyone who starts now has to grind to 30 so not only will the soft level cap be broken through in the end, it will only be able to be broken through by an elite group of high gens that the rest of us can never catch.