The Yoshis have found large pockets of Chinese clans/factions residing in NA.
One of these clans is known by the acronym "LL", at the moment we cannot decipher what these two letters stand for (Ling Long?).
We will follow standard Yoshi anti-foreigner policy, which could be observed last year in our
futile and unnoticed successful attempts to rid NA of the EU "Cooperation".
In an attempt to preserve NA unity, we must banish all foreigners from NA. Yoshi has taken the initiative and have begun to raid LL fiefs in order to scare them back to whence they came. Once they have left NA, Yoshi will retake the lands that make up the great Yoshi Island. These lands happen to be under LL control.
Ways you can help the Yoshi cause:
1. Kill or banish any foreigner.
2. Enlist in the great Yoshi Conscript Army.
3. Gib L00mz
4. Provide financial and/or military support.