I have nothing against vaccines, I just don't want them. If I was ever planning on going somewhere that would give me a sickness or disease I would probably take a vaccination. The odds on me going somewhere where I could get a disease or sickness that isn't easily treatable is very unlikely though.
Long story short, I just don't want vaccines to be mandatory.
This whole argument is entirely ignorant and does not even compare to what I am saying
Do you breath when visiting any public area?
Does your skin touch anything when in a public area?
Do you visit any public area when you have a fresh wound(it doesn't even have to bleed, just a gash in the skin)?
ANY public area is a potentially dangerous place, especially airports, train stations bu stop etc. with international(foreign) destinations.
Your statement "I just don't
want them" rubbed me the wrong way and I overreacted, I know that, and you are correct there.
BUT it sounded(read?) like a casual dismissal of all the risks, which is the worst kind when it comes to global risks such as these.
Your stance is sensible if you do not frequent public areas in a large city(which I probably wrongly assumed).
I just wonder one thing:
If there is a real risk(several independet experts) for a pandemic outbreak, would you take the vaccine if it was voluntary AND free of charge?With this clarification in mind: my statement was not entirely ignorant and compares, at worst, remotely.