honestly I killed the first boss on the third try as deprived. the club is a decent boss weapon 2h with the dmg buff
however I think I got lucky as when he morphed into 2nd phase I just wailed on him until he died, didn't even really fight him after he morphed haha.
none of the bosses have been too easy or too hard yet tbh. wont say which but there was one boss which I got to 30% health on first go and thought must be easiest boss, but actually that is the boss I have died the most too! Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
one thing that bugs me is how close many bonfires are, then suddenly huge ass stretch in cathedral just to get to a bonfire was nasty af
the farron keep poison area is brilliantly horrible. worse part is just getting completely lost in that mess, its too bloody hard to map it in your head. I need to go back there, but I dont want to haha
I'm lovin the game just gotta ignore the fact that IT RUNS LIKE SHIT. seriously runs worse than witcher 3 I think, which is not deserved. I'm basically console 30 fps.