Here we go, our hero Higby Nanites (don't ask, Planetside stuff) in glorious 1440p:
As you can see he looks very intelligent and has a fitting choice of weaponry. His stats are 8, 5, 7, 1, 1, 4, 5 right now, level 17 on Hard difficulty. House rule is to never improve charisma or intelligence. One thing that bothers me is that I could be locking myself out of quests that require hacking advanced terminals. Of course, I invested in the Idiot Savant perk. That thing is simultaneously overpowered and extremely obnoxious as it produces a loud annoying noise every time it triggers. Combat is very easy except *some* of the red skulls. Then in the worst case I can always cheese with geometry. "Hardest" (more like most tedious) kill yet was the boss at the elementary school with pink food paste, "glowing one" or something like that. That thing ate through half my ammo reserves.
To be honest in real situations I do use the combat rifle more than the Tor Hammer. That thing shatters enemies that have a level close to mine though. Hence the ammo conservation.
None of my settlements have been attacked yet, and I have almost 10 now, none of which have any kind of security bar Sanctuary. It seems Preston admires me in a very gay way but as soon as making advances became a choice I dumped him for Piper kek.