Xant, yesterday you started posting on here at 12 o clock dinner time and finshed at 11 at night pal according to the time i'm seeing. You pretty much spent all day on here, AND the day before that is the exact same.
I have a full time job Personal training, it's not the best job in the world but atleast i have a job, unlike you that seems to spend 8+ hours a day on here, on June the 3rd you posted a near 8 hour streak, i can see by the show posts on your account page. You are probably the saddest reptile here my friend, saying i put "selfies" on Vanguard forum and you seem to know about this also indicates you spend your life on there too, even when it's been a ghost town for months now. What a sad man. your on here everyday for hours on end, think about your life. Your mum is probably worried sick.
And FYI 5+ posts per day isn't 5 actual posts a day, it's much much more than 5, to get 5 a day is fucking ridiculous, You actually have no-life atm.