So I enter this place called Mayoral Shelter. The place is deserted. There is obviously no life or occupancy going on in there. All signs hint that. Inside are some ceiling turrets. Understandable. Long-lasting defense measures etc. They fire cryo cells, which I stand absolutely no chance against. So I cower behind walls while my robot companion takes care of them. I delve deeper. Still no signs of occupancy.
I find a Fat Man in a very narrow cavern passage that is tied to the shelter. I snatch it, turn back and guess what? Fucking deathclaw appears behind me. Obviously Bethesda never got sick of their own retarded joke while making this game.
I reset my frustration and load a save which was just before entering that passage. I decide that I should go back, as all manners of exploration end up getting you punished. Following my trail carefully, I see the same shit happening once again. The entire place on my way back is now full of synths. For those who haven't yet heard of them (this is not really a spoiler), they are basically tough androids all equipped with cryo guns. I stomach even that, thinking to myself: "Probably they didn't do this with the upper entrance level. Maybe I can make a quick dash and head out from there." Boy was I fucking wrong.
Of course the entrance level is full of synths now as well. In between several deaths and reloads, I finally make it out and immediately fast travel to the sanctuary.
In the end, I shut this retarded game down and just feel glad I didn't follow the hype and spend so much money for buying it.