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« on: June 01, 2015, 05:48:29 am »
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On the First of June in the year Two Thousand Fifteen of our Lord,
hence forth shall the Novgorod Republic be free of the rule of Mithrim.
Whilst this is not out of malicious intent or some oppression, but instead
that the mighty Radsvid had returned and taken rule from his Son, Eirik.
Being unsatisfied with the condition of the realm nor the rule from so far north,
Radsvid cast down the blue banners in favor of his own. Long may trade flow
freely in the south, and long may our neutrality to all continue.

The south, which is to be all lands around Veluca are now free from
the rule of Mithrim. The castle of Grunwalder and the villages of Serindiar, Saramish, Emer and Chaeza.
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Also, James, you were legitimately mad at a rhyming dwarf on the internet.

Offline Nightmare798

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 08:12:48 am »
What does this extraterrestial doodle in the name read?
Tseng: Used to the bitter taste of refusal, this only serves to reinforce his greatest life lession yet.
Cloud: And that is?
Tseng: Bitches, man.

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 08:50:39 pm »
What does this extraterrestial doodle in the name read?

Says independence in russian, figured that fair because Novgorod is in Russia.
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Also, James, you were legitimately mad at a rhyming dwarf on the internet.

Offline Nightmare798

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2015, 08:57:43 pm »
Says independence in russian, figured that fair because Novgorod is in Russia.

I see...
Tseng: Used to the bitter taste of refusal, this only serves to reinforce his greatest life lession yet.
Cloud: And that is?
Tseng: Bitches, man.

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2015, 03:13:19 am »
Pain, all I feel is pain; why the hell won't it stop?  it probably has something to do with the empty casks of Sargothian mead on the floor, and the bevy of wenches lying around me. Its good to be King, wait Lord, wait Duke, oh who the fuck cares I own a fief. Sharpe gets up from the floor of the Great Hall and starts to walk around, after awhile he puts on a blue gambeson and walks out into the streets to inspect the wares of the traders. A rotund merchant renowned for selling Exotic Bear Meat approaches Sharpe with some grievances "Hello Sir Sharpe, Sir" Sharpe ignores the merchant and thinks to himself Ah good another merchant to have an endless conversation with..... maybe I should pick up my Longbow again.... which escort do I want tonight? After 30 minutes of an endless one sided-conversation Sharpe has had enough and turns and walks away while saying "Maybe you don't make any profit, because you consume the goods you're trying to sell"

Sharpe walks back to the Great Hall and notices a very thickly bearded man standing outside his hall doors, "Who the hell are you" the man introduces himself as Putin Ivanovich, courier and messenger to Radsvid, of most glorious Novgorod Republic. Oh great another start up faction founded by an ex-WoTN member, wasn't Radsvid that vertically challenged person who always described his possessions in detail? Those descriptions were probably to compensate for his stature. Sharpe responds to the courier "Well carry on, whats your message?" The courier takes a very deep and long breath to state "Radsvid believes it is in everyones best interests, considering the fact that his faction controls the fiefs surrounding your trading town, that you join the glorious Novgorod Republic." After hearing this very verbose message Sharpe sits in silence and thinks: Wait since when the hell did anyone own the fiefs around Veluca, I mean yeah, people claimed to own them, but no one ever did anything with them. Then again I haven't really paid close attention to the strat map for the past four months. Sharpe looks into the courier's eyes and says "Meh let me think about"

After a long time of deliberating Sharpe finally decides to respond to Radsvid, not because Sharpe had thought about it, but because Putin Ivanovich kept knocking on the door screaming "YOU HAVE A NEW MESSAGE". Sharpe grabs a pen and quill and writes the word Yes, he rolls it up, seals it with the seal of Veluca; and then proceeds to pin the message into the shoulder of the messenger.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 03:49:10 am by Sharpe »
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“I like the cover," he said. "Don't Panic. It's the first helpful or intelligible thing anybody's said to me all day.”

Offline Doom_Carrot

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2015, 04:53:30 am »
     The winds howl through the streets of Saren. Most of the people are in their homes or taverns, waiting out the thundering clouds and pouring rain to return to their daily life. As the small envoy crawls up the ramp against the pressing weather, the frontmost wagon gets caught in a muddy rut, and a loud cracking sound comes from the right wheel. A new gust of wind blows, and the wheel gives way. Axle shattering and spokes crumpling, the wagon tips over. Boxes tumble and crates burst open as fine spices, furs, candles, and other strange items are scattered onto the street.
     "What is this?!" A voice shouts through the downpour. A young man rides up to the site of the chaos, and instantly the driver of the wagon scrambles to his feet. "Sorry, sir, its-it-its not my fault! I tried to steer out of it!" He is clearly more embarrassed of the incident than afraid of the seemingly ordinary leader.
    The man on the horse sighs, and quickly unbuttons the chinstrap of his red kettle helmet. He is an unremarkable figure, and his apparrel is far from well kept. I few scales of his rusting iron armor are missing, and he wears a makeshift leather belt around his left legg to keep his oversized shoe from coming lose. His helmet is pockmarked with dents, a testament to being attacked in the city streets of Shariz just days before. He has deep, dark, and solemn eyes; sand colored hair, and a clean shaving chin. His 145 men know him as the doom carrot, a comical nickname that stuck ever since he smashed a carrot into a drunk man's eye in a tavern brawl years ago. The man turned out to have a huge bounty on his head, and the "doom carrot" became rich that day.
    He was never a man to squander his possessions-no, he was a man of action and adventure. Refusing the tempting offers of local guilds to recruit him into their ranks, he hired a small escort, and began the long trek from Tulga to the valley of Veluca. From Durqubba to Ayn Assudi, he bartered, traded, and in some cases scammed the merchants. It was in Shariz, however, that he made a great gamble: To buy every bag of spices the town had to offer in hopes that the East might pay fortunes for them.
     The journey from Shariz to Veluca has been long and difficult. Impassible mountains and stormy weather have added to the envoy's misery, as they already have run low on rations. The doom carrot made a last minute descision to stop at Saren, hoping to sell some goods and restock on food. However, this descision is proving to be costly. This is not the first wagon that has tipped on these treacherous roads.
     The doom carrot sighed. Climbing off his horse, he walked over to the wagon, and knelt down besides the crippled device, inspecting the damage. "We'll need a new axle and wheel to get moving again," he said. Turning to his men, he said, "Well, I guess we are stuck on the road for tonight. Lets set up camp and put the remaining wagons in a semicicle facing west," he pointed. His strategic mind was just as sharp as ever. Bandits were a constant threat in these mountains, and his men were only lightly armed.
     "I'll head up to the village and see if I can buy some supplies," he stated, standing up. "You five, pack three of the mules and lets get moving. Everybody else, you know what to do, lets take tonight easy." He looked around, and seeing the grim, discouraged, and miserable faces of his men smiled and added, "Maybe we'll bring back a few barrels of ale." A few of them cheered, before they all set to work setting up camp.


The storm was too much. Lightning splintered a nearby tree on the way up, and the doom carrot and his 5 companions had no choice but to stay in a tavern at Saren before returning to the camp. The storm was just too much.
    The Laughing Man's Inn, however, proved to be a jolly place. Dancers and bards played music late into the night, and the ale was dark. The doom carrot got a bit more drunk than he should have, but it had been a long journey. He began to chatter with other men at his table, knowing that local rumors could lead to some good trade options. Seeing a knight next to him reading a wet piece of parchment-obviously a royal decree, from the look of the broken wax seal on it-he nudged a little closer. "A war?" He asked, motioning to the paper. The older man smiled, "No, thank God no, I've fought enough battles for any one man," He chuckled. "But the lords of Veluca have declared independence from  the kingdom of Mithrim."
     The doom carrot nodded appreciatively. He thought for a moment; about the future, about the East, about things that would be considered treasonous to say aloud in public. He swigged the last mug of beer, and standing, said to his men: "Well, its getting late, and I haven't slept well in days." He flipped a gold coin to one of them. "Last one's on me." He said, winking.
      "Goodnight, sir," His soldier said. "May tomorrow bring new oppurtunities."
     The doom carrot turned to leave. He smiled. Tomorrow would bring new oppurtunities indeed.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 03:46:40 pm by Doom_Carrot »
It was fun while it lasted.

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2015, 05:13:10 am »
(click to show/hide)

Im sorry for the state of Novgordian/Velucan Roads, I will get VelucDOT right on it.
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“I like the cover," he said. "Don't Panic. It's the first helpful or intelligible thing anybody's said to me all day.”

Offline Bryggan

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2015, 05:36:06 am »
chadz' ballz, I hate reading italics.  +1 for doom carrot, none for Sharpe- even though it was a good story.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 05:51:18 am by Bryggan »

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2015, 05:04:52 pm »
chadz' ballz, I hate reading italics.  +1 for doom carrot, none for Sharpe- even though it was a good story.

chadz' ballz, I have to counter Bryggan.  +1'd Sharpe's post, none for Doom Carrot, even though it was a good story.

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2015, 08:32:14 pm »
     The winds howl through the streets of Saren. Most of the people are in their homes or taverns, waiting out the thundering clouds and pouring rain to return to their daily life. As the small envoy crawls up the ramp against the pressing weather, the frontmost wagon gets caught in a muddy rut, and a loud cracking sound comes from the right wheel. A new gust of wind blows, and the wheel gives way. Axle shattering and spokes crumpling, the wagon tips over. Boxes tumble and crates burst open as fine spices, furs, candles, and other strange items are scattered onto the street.
     "What is this?!" A voice shouts through the downpour. A young man rides up to the site of the chaos, and instantly the driver of the wagon scrambles to his feet. "Sorry, sir, its-it-its not my fault! I tried to steer out of it!" He is clearly more embarrassed of the incident than afraid of the seemingly ordinary leader.
    The man on the horse sighs, and quickly unbuttons the chinstrap of his red kettle helmet. He is an unremarkable figure, and his apparrel is far from well kept. I few scales of his rusting iron armor are missing, and he wears a makeshift leather belt around his left legg to keep his oversized shoe from coming lose. His helmet is pockmarked with dents, a testament to being attacked in the city streets of Shariz just days before. He has deep, dark, and solemn eyes; sand colored hair, and a clean shaving chin. His 145 men know him as the doom carrot, a comical nickname that stuck ever since he smashed a carrot into a drunk man's eye in a tavern brawl years ago. The man turned out to have a huge bounty on his head, and the "doom carrot" became rich that day.
    He was never a man to squander his possessions-no, he was a man of action and adventure. Refusing the tempting offers of local guilds to recruit him into their ranks, he hired a small escort, and began the long trek from Tulga to the valley of Veluca. From Durqubba to Ayn Assudi, he bartered, traded, and in some cases scammed the merchants. It was in Shariz, however, that he made a great gamble: To buy every bag of spices the town had to offer in hopes that the East might pay fortunes for them.
     The journey from Shariz to Veluca has been long and difficult. Impassible mountains and stormy weather have added to the envoy's misery, as they already have run low on rations. The doom carrot made a last minute descision to stop at Saren, hoping to sell some goods and restock on food. However, this descision is proving to be costly. This is not the first wagon that has tipped on these treacherous roads.
     The doom carrot sighed. Climbing off his horse, he walked over to the wagon, and knelt down besides the crippled device, inspecting the damage. "We'll need a new axle and wheel to get moving again," he said. Turning to his men, he said, "Well, I guess we are stuck on the road for tonight. Lets set up camp and put the remaining wagons in a semicicle facing west," he pointed. His strategic mind was just as sharp as ever. Bandits were a constant threat in these mountains, and his men were only lightly armed.
     "I'll head up to the village and see if I can buy some supplies," he stated, standing up. "You five, pack three of the mules and lets get moving. Everybody else, you know what to do, lets take tonight easy." He looked around, and seeing the grim, discouraged, and miserable faces of his men smiled and added, "Maybe we'll bring back a few barrels of ale." A few of them cheered, before they all set to work setting up camp.


The storm was too much. Lightning splintered a nearby tree on the way up, and the doom carrot and his 5 companions had no choice but to stay in a tavern at Saren before returning to the camp. The storm was just too much.
    The Laughing Man's Inn, however, proved to be a jolly place. Dancers and bards played music late into the night, and the ale was dark. The doom carrot got a bit more drunk than he should have, but it had been a long journey. He began to chatter with other men at his table, knowing that local rumors could lead to some good trade options. Seeing a knight next to him reading a wet piece of parchment-obviously a royal decree, from the look of the broken wax seal on it-he nudged a little closer. "A war?" He asked, motioning to the paper. The older man smiled, "No, thank God no, I've fought enough battles for any one man," He chuckled. "But the lords of Veluca have declared independence from  the kingdom of Mithrim."
     The doom carrot nodded appreciatively. He thought for a moment; about the future, about the East, about things that would be considered treasonous to say aloud in public. He swigged the last mug of beer, and standing, said to his men: "Well, its getting late, and I haven't slept well in days." He flipped a gold coin to one of them. "Last one's on me." He said, winking.
      "Goodnight, sir," His soldier said. "May tomorrow bring new oppurtunities."
     The doom carrot turned to leave. He smiled. Tomorrow would bring new oppurtunities indeed.

holy fuckin shit dude...welcome to your new home.

idk who the fuck doom carrot is, but he clearly belongs here. i didnt even read maybe 10% of all that, still, well said lad.

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2015, 08:48:42 pm »
holy fuckin shit dude...welcome to your new home.

idk who the fuck doom carrot is, but he clearly belongs here. i didnt even read maybe 10% of all that, still, well said lad.

If he hit enter after every line, would it make it easier to read for you by any chance?  :wink:
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Re: Independence!
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2015, 09:25:55 pm »
...i dont read rp's

my build is gay, so i am gay

but im not a racist frenchman

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Re: Independence!
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2015, 11:07:53 pm »
Wrath of the Viceroy

Thalion, Viceroy of Mithrim looked up from the plough and team of oxen that he was controlling as it moved slowly across a small field, turning up the tough and rocky northern soil.  Though it was now June, the air often was still cool and there were many crops planted in the spring further south that were only now being sewn further north. Many of his armsmen were in nearby fields and clearings doing similar labor. The great plague of AFK plague had decimated the population, meaning that even soldiers and nobles had to get their hands dirty from time to time. Now, however, he had stopped his plough and turned his attention to an errand rider from Ismirala castle.

"Lord Viceory," said the rider, deftly hopping off his saddle  and running up to Thalion. "I bring word from Ismirala castle," he said handing Thalion a scroll of paper sealed with the Lord Warden's signature. Thalion broke the seal and quickly glanced over the contents of the paper.  A moment later he lowered the his hands and looked down at the earth with a heavy sigh.  "Truth be told, I was hoping for a reason to give my sword arm some practice, but I had hoped it would not be in this way. Bring word to the Lord Warden that I will rally what men i have here and bring all the resources at my disposal to the mustering fields of Ismirala." said Thalion to the rider, before adding "you will find fresh horses in Slezkh castle, along with food and drink to refresh yourself."  The rider nodded and was off as swiftly as he had arrived. Meanwhile Thalion went back to the plough. There was work to be done that could not wait, no matter what events took place in the south. His mind though, was busy with many thoughts.

Much had changed over the last weeks. The Wardens of the North as a great faction had dissolved into separate states. The great alliance that had stood solid through so many battles was now being retired, gently, like a tattered yet still glorious flag that had seen many battles and was now being retired as a relic of past victory. Rumors had sprung up of bandits in the south, and the organization of a new government in the southern fief. A change was needed for sure, there were too few nobles to properly govern the realm in the size to which it had grown. Negotiations had indeed been held in Ismirala castle as to gifting certain fiefs to any lords interesting in restoring those lands and beginning a new realm in Calradia. They were, however, still sovereign territories of Mithrim. No documents had been signed or official declarations decreed specifically bequeathing them to other individuals. Rather, the castellion of Grunwalder castle, seemed to have returned from the AFK plague by casting down the banner of Mithrim, who had with trust given him the fief to begin with, and in listing a few other afk castellon's had created the so called Republic of Novgorod. Why had he not asked? It seemed to defy all logic that the dwarf would seek to steal what could have been offered freely as a gift.  Surely there was some mistake. He had to find out for himself.

Once back in Slezkh castle, Thalion shuffled around for a quill and paper. Finding these things, and a half empty bottle of ink he pinned brief message on a small piece of parchment designed to be carried on a bird's leg.

"Radsvid, What of friendship and loyalty? Do you really forsake your old comrades? Why steal as a thief in the night, what could have been given in the daylight of friendship? - Thalion"  As soon as the ink was dry Thalion took the not to his master of ravens in slezkh castle who forthwith set it to the foot of a sturdy looking raven that set off for Grunwalder castle that very night.

It was not long before a reply found its way back to Slezkh castle, and a message was delivered to Thalion even as he was going over lists of supplies and equipment if there was a need to march south.

Thalion's eyebrow twitched as he read the callously pinned missive. Suddenly a great fit of rage took him and rising from his chair with a great yell he flipped over the heavy wooden table sending all manner of things clattering across the floor. The half empty bottle of ink, (a gift from the Squids) broke and spilled across the flagstones.  Like a sudden fire his rage had flashed, then cooled into a resolve as icey and determined as the grim northern winters. Just then his attendants came into the chambers to see what was amiss. 

"Prepare horses and pack supplies enough for myself and my personal guard. We leave for Ismirala at dawn. "The dwarf is only about the money eh? Says he only trusts what he gets in writing, eh? Well, he will get something in writing. I'll carve it into his chest with my bloody great sword," said Thalion, as he went to go find a sharpening stone to make sure his sword was prepared for just that task. 

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« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 11:28:25 pm by Thalion_Menelvagor »
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Re: Independence!
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2015, 11:30:43 pm »
holy fuckin shit dude...welcome to your new home.

idk who the fuck doom carrot is, but he clearly belongs here. i didnt even read maybe 10% of all that, still, well said lad.

Haha thank you, I'm not a poet, but I didn't fail literature class either  :)
It was fun while it lasted.