We had like 50 shades of different At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square. threads but time has finally come to pronounce these boards dead too. Actually it is way worse than state of actual game. Game has like 25-30 players on average during eight hour period it is alive.
Forums have bunch of filthy spectators (curse you mute, opinionless bastards), up to five regular players who bored themselves to death because gamemode is free for all and combat system sucks on forums, no four directional blocking. No blocking at all, just spamming attacks (fuck you ignorant fegget; you suck dude; hahaha look at this loser bitch; dude you are weak and didn't spend enough time practicing the game you are literally the biggest loser this world has ever seen and I'm the best; Why me ban, how unban me, play now ples; this intelligent and overly long post serves a purpose to show my intellectual superiority to you uneducated worms; jejeje look at me, me no spek english, me french and funny. my daughter awesome, look at me, jejeje; this thread has been moved to chamberoftears/spam by your dearest moderator *name*).
Come play forum game with us, don't let this wonderful place succumb under the weight of borked mod.