Author Topic: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?  (Read 28183 times)

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2015, 09:22:57 pm »
Time is a limited resource, and we chose to allocate all of our time to developing M:BG. Simple.

This wins the "dumbest comparison of the day award" hands down. cRPG is a free mod that we developed with our own time and money. You are entitled to NOTHING.
Your attitude to your own supporter (visitors can't see pics , please register or login
) is really wrong. He clearly wanted your own good. He tried to warn you if you show this mod as your own work people might not support your on going projects. If you abandon crpg etc. Idk but he was just simply trying to help you.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2015, 09:30:02 pm »
It has everything to do with your little feud with cmp that has been going for years (kudos on that, most people don't hold a grudge that long). You just used this opportunity to throw a hissy fit, especially when you noticed cmp is involved in this discussion.

Unrelated with previous statement: Is there any reason why this topic is separated in two threads?

What? I have absolutely no issue with cmp, i think he is great and that his work with chadz over the years has given me hundreds of hours of entertainment for which I'm grateful.  I don't understand where you got the idea I have a feud with him, are you confusing me with someone else?

I don't see how in anyway I've thrown a hissy fit, I've tried to make sound and reasoned points to express my point of view.  There is absolutely nothing personal about this, in fact the only person making this personal is you for some absurd reason. I support the devs 100% in their decisions I just offer my thoughts as a backer, a donator and (hopefully) future player.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 09:53:08 pm by Casimir »

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2015, 10:24:36 pm »
Your attitude to your own supporter (visitors can't see pics , please register or login
) is really wrong. He clearly wanted your own good. He tried to warn you if you show this mod as your own work people might not support your on going projects. If you abandon crpg etc. Idk but he was just simply trying to help you.

But that's simply not true. During KS campaign I've been trying to spread the word among new players and that was during the time when population was maybe even lower than it is now. cRPG was and still is broken, but they didn't care and were interested in the new game.

There are different kinds of new players. Most give up on this mod because it is simply too hard for them. Others are reasonable people who like challenge and understand that getting good at this mod won't come over night. They also understand this is free mod and don't have unrealistic expectations of it.

Actually, the only people with such expectations are we, veterans who burned thousands of hours in this mod and can always find something to complain about because we're too involved.

To make cRPG more appealing to potential buyer of new game, they would need to completely overhaul it, streamline it and upgrade technical side. That is impossible.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2015, 11:10:37 pm »
But that's simply not true. During KS campaign I've been trying to spread the word among new players and that was during the time when population was maybe even lower than it is now. cRPG was and still is broken, but they didn't care and were interested in the new game.

There are different kinds of new players. Most give up on this mod because it is simply too hard for them. Others are reasonable people who like challenge and understand that getting good at this mod won't come over night. They also understand this is free mod and don't have unrealistic expectations of it.

Actually, the only people with such expectations are we, veterans who burned thousands of hours in this mod and can always find something to complain about because we're too involved.

To make cRPG more appealing to potential buyer of new game, they would need to completely overhaul it, streamline it and upgrade technical side. That is impossible.
I did not say that what Harpag said was correct. I just stated to cmp that his attitude was inappropriate
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #64 on: April 11, 2015, 02:02:21 am »
It's pretty shitty to hold MBG over the devs' heads while complaining about crpg but this thread just proves why people do it.  Months go by in crpg threads with minimal to zero dev interaction, not even to say they are no longer working on crpg at all and are going to hand over the reins, and then this gets posted and there's multiple devs responding multiple times. 

Question: will new crpg devs have access to WSE2? 
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2015, 03:17:02 am »
Months go by in crpg threads with minimal to zero dev interaction
this gets posted and there's multiple devs responding multiple times

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2015, 03:37:17 am »
Is that surprising? M:BG devs answering to M:BG threads.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #67 on: April 11, 2015, 04:49:43 am »
I don't think it had been made clear until this very thread that the "MBG devs" are in fact solely MBG devs and aren't going to work on crpg at all. 
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2015, 05:04:37 am »
Okay.. but that was before your post?

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2015, 05:10:24 am »
Oh man, the gloves are really coming off in this thread :DDDDDDD

Seriously, though, i agree that there should be some official end-game confirmation from chadz and cmp regarding state of c-rpg. By which i mean they should make some super-official post with which they hand super-dev-god-whatever powers over to members of that sorry piece of community which is actually doing some work on c-RPG. Fuckin 'ell, i wouldn't have the willpower to bring it even half-way there.

Basically, that would solve the huge PR-impasse that is happening right now and... perhaps result in some fixes to actual c-RPG, whilst saving cmp the time to diss people in c-rpg related threads. Seriously, man, you're fucking anti-social.

Also, it's been YEARS over-due that someone outside of uber-dev circle gets god-powers over c-rpg. People are asking for assistance from Nessaj/Harald pretty much daily and they are far too busy to help randomers with issues such as respec resets and so on.

Also lel @ Leshma being a Leshma, as always. Casimir, you should know better.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2015, 06:01:19 am »
People are asking for assistance from Nessaj/Harald pretty much daily and they are far too busy to help randomers with issues such as respec resets and so on.

What i can say is that week i pm Nessaj coz i have a problem that i can not rate comment in forums, he answered the same day and in 12h i had my problem solved, they are busy but they still help the ppl
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2015, 06:29:57 am »
Wait didnt this ship sink already?
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2015, 07:09:23 am »
if devs are too busy with mbg to support crpg, they should be too busy to comment in this thread. go back to work. squeaky wheels don't always deserve grease, especially when most of the rest of the wheels are working fine and quiet.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2015, 08:08:50 am »
People calling cRPG M:BG's calling card or whatever aren't thinking very clearly.

First of all, the vast majority of people that are going to be buying/backing M:BG will never have played cRPG, in a "good" or "bad" state. Second, most people who have played cRPG played it in the supposed good times, pre-Tydeus and what-have-you times, so they should already have a positive attitude towards M:BG. Third, of those still playing/active and who know that the mod isn't well taken care of at the moment, most understand that it's not the fault of the M:BG developers and don't expect them to support a niche free mod for the rest of their unnatural lives.

So in conclusion, even if they, from this day forward, dedicated 50% of their time to cRPG the amount of good they'd do would be ridiculously minimal. They'd get maybe a couple dozen people a bit happier (until those people find something else to complain about, e.g., the devs suck because they nerfed 2h, ergo, M:BG will suck) at the cost of not being able to develop M:BG nearly as effectively. Good trade off? Not.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2015, 09:52:33 am »
I don't think we should keep the devs working on crpg forever, I know crpg is an everlasting game for most of the people still active, but the game has lost its playebase, popularity and activity for the most part. The glorious days where the siege and battle servers were full are over. I think the devs and I personally too want that time back rather than extending the life of crpg a bit longer with a playerbase of 40 on EU1 on evenings. No one's complaining to the devs of bf2 or codWaW to fix things or keep updating, and if there are, then no dev will care. The dawn of a new game is approaching and I am quite willing to wait for that and spend some time playing different games instead of having the devs put costly time and effort into a game that is played by just a few people.
And to the person saying the devs should keep the current players happy for M:BG to succeed: First off, the majority of the costumers the devs should be focussing on is the people who have never heard of cRPG or M:BG, secondly the should focus on the people who, at some point, have played cRPG. and lastly the people still active, because most of those will buy M:BG anyway whether cRPG sucked in the end or not, just to have a new cRPGish game to play *complain about*.
And as Cmp said, this project is the devs', don't act like you own even a tiny bit of it, I have played many mods and I can wholeheartedly say that the Donkey crew are the most loyal devs to their community that I know of. There aren't a lot of mods out there that have a lifespan this big, and I think we should alrready be grateful for just that.
Sorry to let crpg down, but it's just my opinion.
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