Author Topic: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?  (Read 28183 times)

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2015, 01:19:55 pm »
Cooties, I want to avoid wall of text in kinngrimm style, so look at the points below:

1) my voice expresses opinion of people from our TS, not just mine.
2) we are aware that the cRPG (opposed to M: BG) is not a commercial project
3) like everyone else, we are impatiently looking forward to EPIC / M: BG, and we are aware that production of such a game is not a simple matter, and the release date may change many times.
4) While waiting we want to play in current game, especially it is not known how long and we don't see alternatives
5) We don't expect development of cRPG, but we expect the final version and not an experimental rabbit for new devs (this game was already better than it is now!)
6) Fix list doesn't seem to be a long and time-consuming. You should apply the old tried and tested methods, nothing new.
7) Take care of our community now, make a final patch, and then forget and focus on a new project. We also want it, but you can't leave us with shit like now forever because community life is here and now rather than in future.

Here is my personal suggestion:

a) fix balance (2:1 after few round is just gamebreaker!  For sure it's not a rocket science for you!)
b) remove early flags
c) fix textures or save your time and just remove broken items
d) for fuck's sake stupid pictures on website
e) consider merging servers (atleast remove DTV!)
f) don't touch strat, only fix spawn for horses
g) daily / weekly server restarts
g) ban Panos

That's fukin all. Less talking more raiding.
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Offline Mr_Oujamaflip

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2015, 01:38:10 pm »
I rather like the idea of merging servers as well. I don't know if it's possible but could have map changes also change mode? Should keep people happy as well as keeping things interesting by switching between siege and battle. Also would keep player counts higher which might prompt other people to come in and play.

Could be done as a trial so if people don't like it we can go back.

I do feel like the server is the biggest issue, balance can't be judged correctly if the server is causing so many notable problems. Fix that first then look at the rest. Don't worry about adding new stuff, it's not needed any more just refine what's already here with minor changes.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2015, 01:47:56 pm »
Only thing I would like from the new, anticipated patch (that isn't going to happen) is that weekly heirloom exchange thingy. Can live with bugs, and its not like texture bugs are big deal to me when Warband still has ancient bugs that can be game breaking and which can't be fixed by any modification.

Team balance is in bad state but it's not like it was better since banner balance is implemented. Since that moment game is completely unfair to play on public servers, and this shuffle actually alleviates some of those issues.

Merging servers is not necessary because siege seems to be dead. No point on forcing battle people to play siege when no one plays siege these days.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2015, 02:01:40 pm »
Cooties, I want to avoid wall of text in kinngrimm style, so look at the points below:

1) my voice expresses opinion of people from our TS, not just mine.
2) we are aware that the cRPG (opposed to M: BG) is not a commercial project
3) like everyone else, we are impatiently looking forward to EPIC / M: BG, and we are aware that production of such a game is not a simple matter, and the release date may change many times.
4) While waiting we want to play in current game, especially it is not known how long and we don't see alternatives
5) We don't expect development of cRPG, but we expect the final version and not an experimental rabbit for new devs (this game was already better than it is now!)
6) Fix list doesn't seem to be a long and time-consuming. You should apply the old tried and tested methods, nothing new.
7) Take care of our community now, make a final patch, and then forget and focus on a new project. We also want it, but you can't leave us with shit like now forever because community life is here and now rather than in future.

Here is my personal suggestion:

a) fix balance (2:1 after few round is just gamebreaker!  For sure it's not a rocket science for you!)
b) remove early flags
c) fix textures or save your time and just remove broken items
d) for fuck's sake stupid pictures on website
e) consider merging servers (atleast remove DTV!)
f) don't touch strat, only fix spawn for horses
g) daily / weekly server restarts
g) ban Panos

That's fukin all. Less talking more raiding.
you just fail to understand such basic stuffs that it annoys me

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Offline Harpag

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2015, 02:17:34 pm »
you just fail to understand such basic stuffs that it annoys me

wat? explain ! whole life you suck cock your teachers and bosses but you don't need do that in the game  :mrgreen:

fucking lickspittle  ... puke
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore? kb
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2015, 02:32:00 pm »
wat? explain ! whole life you suck cock your teachers and bosses]

Not everyone is cocksucker like you.
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Offline Harpag

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore? kb
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2015, 02:35:48 pm »
Not everyone is cocksucker like you.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2015, 02:56:27 pm »
wat? explain ! whole life you suck cock your teachers and bosses but you don't need do that in the game  :mrgreen:

fucking lickspittle  ... puke
that is all i need to know about you
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Offline Falka

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2015, 06:14:01 pm »
On a more serious note, whatever devs do now, it will be too little and too late. Current playerbase consists of what, 200, 300 players? These days cRPG community is so tiny, that devs basically could throw whole cRPG in the bin, shut down all servers, without any real harm for their new project. Pissed off cRPG players won't buy MBG? So what, in the current state of things cRPG players are unable to do any major difference for future success or failure of MBG, as we could clearly see during failed Kickstarter campaign.

I think it was very dumb to let the mod died out, chadz's work ethics, his inability to keep a word, is, not even sure, if more laughable or pathetic, but
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What's done is done, mod is dead and devs should put all their efforts into their new game and don't give a damn about cRPG (oh wait, skip this part, they already don't care). Those few who still play cRPG, if they didn't already buy MBG, they will do, no matter how shitty cRPG is in its current state. And I don't think there's any gamebreaking bugs, apart from balance on Eu1.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2015, 07:12:24 pm »
:O haven't you even read some of the posts here? Clearly all potential buyers of M:BG will be DESPERATE to hear old cRPG players opinions about cRPG...

...or not

Honestly if the devs do an early access steam release then some potential customers will very likely go looking into their development history before buying the game. If they find that the mod is in a buggy state they may by conjecture decide that the game will be buggy and incomplete, even if the development of the two is unrelated.  It's an unnecessary risk to take when the devs can easily avoid it.

It has absolutely fuck all to do with cRPG communities opinions about cRPG and absolutely everything to do with leaving your past work in a fit state and with a good reputation for potential customers to reference.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2015, 07:37:47 pm »
I'm only here to antagonize.

In terms of advertising, cRPG is a branch that leads to the top of the tree AKA the world.

If you're going to cut off that branch and throw it in someone else's hands. You're failing yourself more than the present caretaker is if it begins to die.

Quite literally, catering to the cRPG community is the best thing you can do in terms of advertising. If you're unable to juggle between fixing problems in a modded version of a complete game and developing a game. I feel bad for anyone who plays your game if it fails.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for me) however, I do not plan on buying Melee Battlegrounds. I've never followed it nor cared for it, I seen a few videos. It looks like a carbon copy soaking off the accomplishments of a much bigger and successful franchise. Full directional swinging looks fine, but that isn't enough to influence my interest. Hell, if Minecraft added that I'd be more interested.

Every time I see Melee Battlegrounds I think of all my ex girlfriends. Been there, done that.

On top of all this, I feel sorry for anyone who plays the game. This community of disrespectful, arrogant, twats, allowed to play continuously over the years despite all their transgressions. I'm laughing out loud, thinking about the drama they're gonna cause in Melee Battlegrounds while they drive away the population there like they already have in cRPG.

I can already see all the celebrities of cRPG (over time gamers/trolls) transferring over and fucking up everything in the construction phase. Then delaying at the end of every battle while humping each other and saying 420 on TS.

I hope all the best for Melee Battlegrounds, you're really gonna need it for all the failures here.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2015, 08:00:07 pm »
It has absolutely fuck all to do with cRPG communities opinions about cRPG and absolutely everything to do with leaving your past work in a fit state and with a good reputation for potential customers to reference.

It has everything to do with your little feud with cmp that has been going for years (kudos on that, most people don't hold a grudge that long). You just used this opportunity to throw a hissy fit, especially when you noticed cmp is involved in this discussion.

Unrelated with previous statement: Is there any reason why this topic is separated in two threads?

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2015, 08:39:54 pm »
I can already see all the celebrities of cRPG (over time gamers/trolls) transferring over and fucking up everything in the construction phase. Then delaying at the end of every battle while humping each other and saying 420 on TS.
Practically guaranteed to happen.  This, combined with shitposting, is this community.

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