Hello chadzians,
I intend to make a video composed of gameplay (and other random associated things) and interviews with at least a dozen people. I will (if work doesn't screw me) start recording (anything that needs to be recorded) on April 12. I will begin looking at submissions on April 6.
I'm looking for:
Accounts of mostly positive memories of cRPG. You can record these yourself if you'd like, preferably on a .wav or .flac file, but .mp3 works too. Alternatively, I can record these while I'm recording you playing.
Any old videos you may have, preferably with narration.
Any interesting anecdotes you want to tell.
Thoughts on (not overly negative) ways cRPG affected your real life.
Shoutouts to old players that you lost contact with.
Anything else you think might be appropriate.
Thank you!
Please send me files or indicate a desire to be recorded to my forum message inbox.