I'm sorry I don't have enough time to post my thoughts because I'm ACTUALLY BUSY PLAYING THE MOD ITSELF
But then you have people like Leshma or Teeth who spend 4-5 hours each day on forum talking about game missing that, this being OP, that being bad, bla bla, QQ QQ and forgetting that talking won't resurrect the mod, but the actual presence on server will, and playing of course.
you guys seem to blame us, for not playing the game. wtf?
you fanboys, seriously need to get better arguments than blah blah QQ more.
I think he has a point, although Leshma and Teeth are not the best examples for forum heroes who waste their life shittalking the mod. Leshma doesn't agree with some decisions the devs made; maybe she will contribute items or maps at some point, since she already mentioned she has something in mind. Teeth actually provides constructive feedback in my opinion. Leshma is definitely active in game, following the server rules and as such, a player worth to protect from modder's perspective. Not sure if Teeth is currently playing, but he isn't shittalking as if the devs owed us anything after entertaining us for 4 years+ without asking for anything, themselves. Listening to constructive feedback is worth the time and effort it takes.
But there are severe cases in this community who say they don't want to play this mod ever again, yet linger around in the forum all day, intentionally or accidentally ruining the fun of other players saying everything is bad, broken, unplayable and whatnot. If you decide to quit, quit for real. No point in terrorizing a forum when you decided to sever the bond between you and the game with its community in the first place. If every fifth student who got bored at school decided to run amok after quitting or graduating, schools would look like this forum today.
lombardsoup said the mod and the forum are basically 4chan with swords. I think it's somewhat comparable to 4chan with swords, although the arbitrary bullshit here tends to be less entertaining on average. Still, if this comparison holds at least in some way, make sure you don't forget it's 4chan
with swords. If you aren't interested in swords anymore, you might want to consider looking for something else. People change over time, and so do you.
If you are currently inactive because you think certain features need to be improved or added, it is best to do it yourself and contribute. Of course, not everybody has time because of job, education, family and whatnot, or rather because they don't manage to combine everything in a condensed time management schedule. But if you don't have (or take) time to make anything, it's likely you can't afford to spend the time to demand feature X and item Y either and remind us on every occasion in every thread after 10 PMs about the same request. In the way players can contribute to cRPG, this mod is extremely accessible. Yes, there are some boundaries of entry, since you won't stand out of the crowd if you don't deliver results before talking changes. But even if you aren't skilled at technical stuff, you can initiate changes to happen by motivating other people and bundling their results, which is exactly what I am doing, while trying to pick up their skills on the way to an enhanced version of cRPG.
Just like I opened the item workshop without any clue on how to make and add items to the game, one of you can open a mapper's booth, look for skilled scene editors, provide inspirations, present results and take over the communication between your team and the devs. Anyone can enter cRPG's IRC, so you can use existing structures without worrying too much about creating things yourself.
Raylin's profile says
It is when making anything that we become anyone.
and he is absolutely right. Whatever it is that you want, start
doing things rather than talking about them. Even if you have zero skills, if you wish for it enough, you will attract opportunities, people and skill by trial and error.