Basically, in european union, we share the money mostly, but not the debts, or anything like that. Enforcing equality is actually not that much of a good thing (studied totalitarisms, USRR was one of them obviously), but having more wealth redistribution seems more legit to me than the current system (1% of people owning more than 99% remaining is just wrong to me). Creating a federal Europe, with an unique debt, more wealth redistribution, clear foreign policies, etc... and more generally making interests go into the same direction would maybe not solve every problem, but would help at least. If any state/country like France had as much power as Latvia for example into a new voting system, wouldn't it be favorable to the majority ? Making a real union to be independant more or less from other powers in the world (China, USA) instead of eating each others into interests conflicts (people don't want to pay for other countries, but they would probably pay for their country if they had their hope in it tho) should be pretty much more suitable to place the Union into a position of general wealth an social equality. Unfortunately, it can't happen, people are too reticent about making this kind of stuff, since they fear to lose their "national sovereignty".
I don't even want to know how gramatically bad was this little wall of text, but only the content matters I believe.