Author Topic: February patch preview, input appreciated  (Read 30504 times)

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2015, 12:09:55 am »
c) constructive patch suggestions anyone?

Add an option to sell looms to the bank for a fixed amount of 325k to stop looms from crashing farther.

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2015, 12:34:42 am »
Before raging/whine about it, just wait for it, and see what happens.

even better solution - pick one of the following:
- coding (python, html, sql)
- warband module management
- 3d + uv
- texturing + normals
- scene editing
- marketing (casts/presentations/discussions/events)

learn it and contribute
we all started from zero

the least you'll get are new skills, recognition and contacts
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 12:48:43 am by Panuru »
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2015, 12:41:23 am »
+1 armor at +0 and +4 armor when loomed means that medium armor would be exactly the same. Overall efficiency in light gear is likely to be the same since lighter gloves would give less armor. Efficiency is taken away from gloves and given to armor. Heavy gloves would raise armor even more than before with a greater cost, or they can be around the same as now if they choose medium gloves instead.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 12:45:51 am by San »

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2015, 01:21:14 am »
IMO,cRPG is fucked atm,do whatever,it can only get better.

Not so sure about that tbh.

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2015, 01:31:36 am »
even better solution - pick one of the following:
- coding (python, html, sql)
- warband module management
- 3d + uv
- texturing + normals
- scene editing
- marketing (casts/presentations/discussions/events)

learn it and contribute
we all started from zero

the least you'll get are new skills, recognition and contacts

Well, it wasn't meant to be offensive, it was adressed for the whinny ones like me to just wait before hating.

And I have no skill, but really no skill at all in anything going out of the basics with computers, that's why I have respect for all guys that spent time to learn how to code/model, etc :P

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #80 on: January 19, 2015, 01:35:39 am »
Looks like a really cool update. Add all those cool bronze armor variants too. Awesome. Also would really appreciate website icons updated. Also be great to extend dtv autokick timer to a few minutes so players can get a drink or something.

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #81 on: January 19, 2015, 04:21:23 am »
Not sure about EU but NA could use a couple more active dedicated admins

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #82 on: January 19, 2015, 05:29:37 am »
Well, it wasn't meant to be offensive, it was adressed for the whinny ones like me to just wait before hating.

And I have no skill, but really no skill at all in anything going out of the basics with computers, that's why I have respect for all guys that spent time to learn how to code/model, etc :P

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« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 05:58:16 am by Panuru »
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #83 on: January 19, 2015, 07:25:18 am »
hmm ill see what it does to my +3 leather jerkin and +3 mail with shirt and fur :|
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #84 on: January 19, 2015, 07:52:58 am »
even better solution - pick one of the following:
- coding (python, html, sql)

the least you'll get are new skills, recognition and contacts

<img src="add the images of new items to the webpage" alt="at least one time together with patch" height="please" width="one time">

Is that enough?  :P
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #85 on: January 19, 2015, 08:04:05 am »
I'm not very articulate when it comes to balance threads but I'll throw an opinion at that.

I've ran mostly balanced and agi builds and this gen I decided to go strength. In my opinion, strength is actually way better and I have no problems with agi builds. I don't know, maybe HoC just isn't bad anymore.

Edit: What I'm saying is that I don't believe agi is inherently better and needs to be "balanced" I don't believe your performance is tied to your build.

It wasn't at all going be a long boring essay praising me and my "pro mlg crpging skills," and using that as an argument for the nerfing of, well, me. It's just that back in ye olden times, when strength crutchers reigned supreme, agility was still  a viable and strong option. You would see plenty of this in longtime players like canary and other members of chaos. Eventually I think I became a decent example of how to properly utilize high agility towards the end of the reign of strength builds. My point being is that agility builds were in a good place before strength was nerfed, a really good, balanced place. Sure it was a strong option in the right hands, but isn't any build, really?

The problems arose when they decided to nerf strength because sure, while agility was strong, strength was more than strong at the time, it was OP. But when they nerfed strength, they buffed agility. Strength builds lost massive amounts of wpf, which translates into some speed loss in addition to a good amount of extra killing power. Since wpf affects both swing speed and damage output, strength builds lost a lot here, arguably too much. Simultaneously, agility builds gained a small boost to both swing speed and damage output. While their kryptonite is nerfed, agility builds got better... makes sense, right?

Now while it may seem like strength builds are still plenty viable, and sure, they definitely are, they aren't nearly as useful as they used to be. Strength builds were always a good build when surrounded by teammates... you just needed to get one or two good hits in and your enemy is more than likely dead. Nowadays, however, with everyone being an agility build you would think that they would die even easier than ever before, right? Not exactly. Don't forget that strength builds lost a decent amount of damage output with all the lost wpf (or any strength build that has wpf lost out on a few points of PS), while agility builds can easily just use their massive athletics advantage to negate a ton of damage using the hyper-realistic speed bonus mechanics embedded in warband. And because of this speed bonus, agility builds can often times dish out comparable damage to the nerfed strength build with the proper footwork, which can easily be picked up on in no time at all.

Come the recent revival patch, agility builds became even stronger than ever before. When the average level hovered around maybe 32, the difficulties on weapons and armor were relatively balanced and were at good levels. Now with 3 more attribute points to use, why dump them into strength when you've got more than enough strength for the requirements of your gear? You used to need 20 strength to use any melee weapon in the game, which made 21 strength a good, average (maybe a little above average) strength level (with 18 strength perhaps being more common, especially for polearms and 1handers, who don't need over 18 for any weapon). Well, 21 strength is relatively low now, considering the crazy builds one could make at level 36-37. There is little reason to ever have more than 18-21 strength in a build now (unless of course you want to be a strength build, for w.e. reason), since the gear requirements have yet to be updated to coincide with the new norm of crpg.

Strength builds used to be the slow-moving, hard-hitting, plate-crutching warriors that a medieval knight actually was. Nowadays with enough armor they can tank plenty of hits, sure, but so can any agility build wearing comparable armor. The only time the amount of hits they could take would differ would probably be when up against a blunt or pierce weapon. Even then, an agility build could potentially tank more hits (or even cause more glances) since they could dance around the battlefield like fully-plated ballerinas with their athletics compared to their sloth-like counterparts.
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #86 on: January 19, 2015, 01:43:25 pm »
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You forget that STR and IF has gotten a decent buff so even with str based builds you will get a good chunk of wpf in whatever armor you decide. And i dont think people go for minimum requirements, i used to be like the purely out of principle that i loved agility. But now that i've started trying out more and more build, i consider str just as much as agi, 24/21 or 27/18 vs 21/24 or 18/27 are all equally valid in my eyes.

Also the damage an agi whore can tank in plate compared to a str whore is not even close. And the strwhore doesnt really lose much strapping on all that plate, he doesnt use speedbonus for damage because he has high PS, while the agiwhore gets hit by a huge movespeed loss which is not only his survivability, but also his damage. The tankiness is not noticeable compared to the speedloss.

Maybe its just my opinion but i just feel very halfarsed plating up with an agibuild, i got pretty low damage, movementspeed around average and tankiness around average. It doesn help a lot fighting in big clashes but thats i guess not the average agiwhores playstyle, which is usually more backstabby and duel oriented.
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #87 on: January 20, 2015, 08:16:58 am »
Make lighter armors even lighter? Great, now agi builds can zip around even faster. Weaken medium armors? Okay, not much change here... agi builds, str builds, and balanced builds will all simply have weaker medium tier armor now. Make heavier armors heavier? Now any agi build can run circles around a tincan with more ease than ever before.

Light armors get you killed on 1 or 2 hits, so giving them a small speed bonus isn't the end of the world. Making plate armor heavier with even higher armor stat prevents people from playing agi-plate builds with unrealistic move/swing speeds. The extra armor makes it a re-balance rather than a nerf. You are better at what you are supposed to do, and your handicaps are more pronounced.

A lot of people bitched about plate users being too fast. This should fix that complaint without directly nerfing plate users.
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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #88 on: January 21, 2015, 12:36:35 pm »
San, when is released planned? Like always soon?  :D

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Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2015, 02:55:45 pm »
I've looked at armor page for few mins and came to conclusion that this is the best split of armors because there is about 30-35 pieces in each group other than peasant which have double that number:

Peasant : 0-4.9
Light :     5-10.9
Medium : 11-14.9
Heavy :   15-19.9
Elite :      20+

Hope it's decent balance-wise.

Would change the name of armor groups into: Rugged (0-4.9) - 60, Sturdy (5-11) - 34, Reinforced (11.1-15) - 31, Elite (15.5-20) - 32, Plate (20.2-27.9) - 31.

It is very evenly distributed imho.

Also for bonuses I would like to see something like this:
+1: 3 armor, 90% weight
+2: 4 armor, 90% weight
+3: 5 armor, 75% weight
+1: 3 armor, 95% weight
+2: 4 armor, 95% weight
+3: 5 armor, 90% weight
+1: 3 armor
+2: 4 armor
+3: 5 armor
+1: 4 armor, 103% weight
+2: 5 armor, 106% weight
+3: 6 armor, 110% weight
+1: 5 armor, 106% weight
+2: 6 armor, 110% weight
+3: 7 armor, 115% weight

Extra 15% weight even on heaviest armor piece isn't much if STR build is wearing it, they won't feel a difference in weight but will feel extra armor. AGI builds will feel extra weight and that's the whole purpose of this change, to discourage them to use it.

Reinforced or the most popular and best looking parts stay the same, see no need to nerf them or buff them in any way. Those cookie cutter sub-plate armors I call Elite are buffed a bit armor wise but have extra weight attached, for the same reason as actual plate armor, to force AGI builds to use something lighter with less armor.

As you can notice, light and sturdy category (every armor bellow 11 weight) received significant buff. Reason for that is very simple. The way armor works in this game, low ratings up to ~50 combined with average HP feel pretty much the same in battle. Doesn't matter if you have 20, 30 or 40 body armor you'll probably die just as fast if you're low on HP side (bellow 60 HP). Because of that, I feel that no matter how much you buff those low tier armors, it's not enough because they are nearly useless anyway. Look at this change as a buff to severely underpowered ranged (archery and crossbow) classes. They can't use heavy gloves because it affects their WPF, so they stay at sub 40 armor rating which makes them too vulnerable, while moving slowly due to heaviness of ranged equipment.

Also, you should look into severe price drop for gloves. Those insane prices are from the age when gloves used to give up to 17 body armor. With new changes gloves will give less armor than ever (up to 14) and have huge impact on wpf (weapon swing speed and damage), I don't see why should they cost more than 10k for any pair. Actually I would apply linear 50% discount.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 02:58:50 pm by Leshma »