Look, I dont care about the context now, but just stop fucking opening new threads like that. We have what? 8 threads discussing the same topic?
On topic: Religion is a cancer that needs to die. It is simply a tool of old, to make people work diligently, hoping for an eternal reward, when in fact nobody, not even the most powerful men in the world, know anything about afterlife. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of idiotic sheeple, still willing to take someone's life, just because they mocked their false god. Seriously, just kill anyone related to religion and burn every bible/koran/whatever that holds those thoughts. Sure, many will perish but we will hopefully get rid of this shit already for the greater good of humanity.
I believe that people should pray to one thing only, deeds of mankind. Acts of bravery, honesty, charity and so on. Because only those are true things deserving praise and worshipping.